Lift Map is Pretty Good

Just played the new lift map today (they had to have lowered the community challenge threshold for this right?) and content-wise it’s probably one of my favorites so far. Good variety of tasks to complete, I like the handler dialogue between Melk and the Rogue Trader premium shop lady, holding hordes off on the lift is fun. Overall good map, good job FS.

Still desperately need more biomes and more types of tasks for future maps though, I’m really hurting for variety.


The map plays quite differently and has a cool end event too. I like Archivum Sycorax more personally, the soundtrack and mid-event stands out so much and adds a lot to the experience. Having Ascension Riser reuse the same soundtracks leaves me wanting more since it has such a unique event.


Not if the map counter started at the start of the event.

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For all the negativity surrounding this game, the 2 new maps are good.

Yes, some more Biomes would offer a refreshed feeling.

They could bring us high up into the clouds. Where we see space above and clouds below. I’m sure there’s trees somewhere in this hive world? Are all the mountains and caves flattened? We still orbit in space maybe there is a relay station. Maybe we can go back to the ship we escaped from and get some much needed story. I’m still holding on, even though I play about a few hr’s per month currently.


I also quite enjoy the new map. I just hope that modifiers will add some actual enemies to the end event. I played it twice so far and had jack amount of elites, or specials at the end.

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I’ll give the edge to Archivum but Riser is amazing compared to the base maps as well. Archivum’s mid level event is probably the best rendition of the L4D2 ‘rolling crescendo’ event I’ve seen yet, and it is accompanied by one of the best tracks on the OST. I also love Auspex scanning so the level ends on a high note too.


Should have said both are good but the lift was more fresh in my mind. Sycorax wins in overall aesthetic and is really fun to play (the verticality is wonderful for my guardsman main brain and the mid mission rush is great) but I’m a huge sucker for hunkering down and holding off a bunch of enemies so the lift narrowly comes out on top for me.

Could be misremembering but I think I saw some early promo material where they mentioned greenhouses or something. It would be a good location for Nurgle cultists to corrupt, lots of plants to mutate. It would be great to get some green in the mix.

I’ve noticed this on a lot of maps where the finale will have pretty long stretches where no enemies spawn and we’re kind of just standing around waiting for the progress bar to fill. Not fun, hope FS adjusts that soon.


Yea Ascension Riser is a great map and can potentially become my favorite, just that my wish for a banger soundtrack on the end-event probably won’t happen. Though I also do wish the end-event was more intense with some more dangerous enemies.


Only real issue I have with the map. The end event is set up to be really cool presentation-wise and is literally what the map is named after but then it doesn’t spawn many threats and plays the same song as most climaxes. Not that the base OST isn’t awesome as it is, just definitely could’ve been something special with a little more pizzazz during the actual event.


Yeah definitely weird that only one of the new maps gets a new track and it’s not the one we had to work for. Classic FS.

Im enjoying the map, aside from a few unfair feeling spawns (I got a Bulwark & a Crusher drop in and two shot me from behind when turtling in the server room which had just been emptied, lol). However, I’m not sure if anyone else is experiencing this but on my Psyker I experience like quite significant frame drops here and there throughout the map. Oddly, I don’t really notice any such when I’m on my Zealot, so Im not sure if maybe its just one of my staff effects not playing nicely or what.

Anyone else experienced this and/or know of a fix?

One thing I also like with this mission is that due to the larger areas, spawn points feel a bit less cheap and we have fewer enemies spawning right between our butt chicks.

I just wish the missions goals and results could have an impact on the “story” “hub” “threat” “war effort”, … anything.
Why not set a gauge for that mission that would improve lasgun quality and availability at Brunt’s and Melk’s? Trigger conditions, etc.
I don’t know something a bit less artificial and disjointed from the whole picture.
Just my two cents obviously.
Helldivers had some neat war progression system - even if it’s not directly applicable to DT, something somewhat similar would improve the overall dynamic.

Still, very fun mission :slight_smile:

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Yes, the two new missions feel really well done. I also like how they actually feel different to the existing maps and add something new gameplay wise.

I just wish the missions goals and results could have an impact on the “story” “hub” “threat” “war effort”, … anything.
Why not set a gauge for that mission that would improve lasgun quality and availability at Brunt’s and Melk’s? Trigger conditions, etc.

I don’t think you will see any gameplay rewards for completing missions, as this creates the darkish pattern of “having to do” certain missions to have access to gear that lets you play a certain way. I think thats a hard learned lesson from VT2 and how Emperors Vaults twisted the game experience in a negative way.

VT2 had a trophy room and personal chambers, and Darktide getting something similar seems likely. But it’s probably not a priority.

What’s not so great is that the first few of these areas are crisscrossed with catwalks, so enemies just kind of drop on your head.

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The map does give hope that we would at some point we will see a map where we ride on a large train


I only tried it a few times … I guess it’s OK.

For me personally, no part of the map was really memorable.
About all I can remember is:
Corridors/rail tunnels → waiting in the middle of a room with enemies shooting from all directions → Corridors/rail tunnels → waiting in the middle of a room with enemies shooting from all directions → escape

I will stick to Sycorax and the old maps if I can choose :stuck_out_tongue:

The map does give hope that we would at some point we will see a map where we ride on a large train

That would be EPIC!!! Sign me up!

But jokes aside Riser would have been much more memorable for me if the whole map would be riding the Riser and stopping a few times for bigger “side trips” but getting back each time.


I like the very end when you carry the payload to extraction. I would like a longer escort type missions, perhaps not specifically something that someone has to hold in all of them, but perhaps a tank you walk with to knock down a wall.

Ive played the Archive map yesterday for first time and it was neat, lots of free space and rooms to play counter offensive and attack and regroup from different angles.

The maze chop and push was very cool. I kinda got lost on last event, just after scanning finished and eventually died just before escape was possible (i had no clue what i was doing ;p)

Oh and the walk chop down the stairs and clearing shooters, epic at hi int.

top notch content


Yes, the two new maps are well made and good level design imo. There are branching paths in a lot of areas which makes the whole thing feel more fun and natural. Riser actually feels like a boss level with the last part not really living up to the build up though. Not bad, but kinda wanted more at the end, but it’s a good idea. I did enjoy the escort and extract, would’ve liked that bit to be longer.

Riser has one bad aspect and that is it’s a bit long. Even on lower difficulties it seems to finish at or close to 40min for me.
I don’t think they should shorten it, but rather just increase the rewards for it. A bit more plasteel spawns, bigger credit reward and exp would be better.

I mean assassin missions can often be completed near 20min and they reward the same amounts. Doesn’t really seem fair, since a longer mission does add more risks of wiping with no upside part from variety.

Would love to see more maps of different lengths. Some 10-20 and some 40-50, both of these with balanced rewards for their length.
10s would be nice with a fixed narrative, like no side stuff or plasteel hunt but a fixed reward to emphasis pace.

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