Well, multilaser would be tricky based on the limited lore that we do have but an autocannon is fine if a stubber is fine.
The ogryn does need more weapons but one of the issues is that most ogryn melee weapons in lore fall into the “improvised” category. Fashioned clubs, mostly. Which is what we got. The only 2 melee weapons we are missing from Only War, for instance, are ogryn-sized warhammers and mace-fists (think of knuckle-dusters that cover the whole fist in spikes), which were almost always poor quality , thrown together by some regimental armourer in his spare time kinda thing. I wouldn’t mind either, but after that we’re into whatever the devs dream up like the pickaxe which is just a mining tool put to heretic-bashing use and is great.
For ranged weapons though, apart from the fore-mentioned thugshot, it’s pretty much all heavy weapon territory which they seem to be avoiding. Autocannons of various models are the only “ogryn-only” weapon we are missing from the lore. But then there are gun luggers who can learn to operate virtually any heavy weapon in the IG’s armory: heavy bolter, heavy flamer, multi-las, lascannon (which would make all the ogryn sniper memes reality), multi-melta, mortar (in OW, they could carry them and hip-shoot them like a grenade launcher, lol), plasma cannon, etc. Of course, for some of those they’d need extra training and still have a good chance to break it but our ogryns have been oft-noted as especially smart so the sky is the limit here. Depends on what they devs want to put in and twin heavy stubber seem s to be about it sadly.
A lot of the heavier weapons are more intended for anti-vehicle use, so, kinda like melta-guns and rocket launchers for humans, I get why they don’t put them in even if it saddens me (at leas until we get a Sentinel boss fight, then they won’t have any excuse). But heavy bolter, heavy flamer, and multi-las in particular are meant for anti-infantry use and could certainly show up. If they’re worried about bolter balancing, hell, I’d still take the multi-las at the very least. We need something to help fill out the kit.
I think Only War might have pushed a few boundaries with the lore if they let ogryns run heavy plasma. Even human soldiers with specialised training struggle to use them safely. Mortar sounds good though.
Necromunda has ogryns and expands their options a bit. They have access to converted industrial gear like rock drills, storm welders and las cutters.
Give Ogryn the Heavy Plasma with infinite ammunition that can One-shot anything in the game
PS: I guess that is a little unbalanced, give it Full auto with Heat mechanic
I never actually used the thundershovel seriously. Like, honestly I’ve been holding a grudge against the devs since day 1 over it.
Where my fist weapons at? Where’s my chainaxe-expy at? Like a drill, rocksaw-cutter, or lascutter.
As far as guns, legitimately surprised thugshot never got put in the game and at this point it’s the least wanted ogryn gun. Like i will actually have a blood feud with Fatshark if they put that into the game and not something much cooler.
I’m only mad about the shovels because I absolutely love the standard ones in game. Imagine not wanting to flesh those out more and instead making an axe wannabe crossed with a thunderhammer, and then multiplying that by 2 for Emperor only knows why. Completely wasted!
Well, maybe, but it took a prestige class and several additional skills before you could pick one up without breaking it and it was just as likely to fry the ogryn as anyone else while the ogryn was significantly more likely to break the gun in frustration.
OW balanced it by making the portable version very low ammo (or rather very ammo-hungry as it took nothing less than a whole backpack). I think about 5 maximal shots, and what ogryn isn’t gonna go full maximal? But they definitely still overheat. It consumes the ammo, fails to shoot, and centers a plasma explosion on the ogryn who is connected to it via a cable. Ogryns are tough but that’s a lotta damage.
Are you serious; nice backhanded way to attack ppl, who actually want the ogryn to improve. They are not there for you to provide entertainment but to actually improve the game.
Also, you are saying that we should not make threads, to actually improve but to make less of them, so that there will be no feedback regarding the current state of the class.
So instead improving less discussions on the actual problems with the class… We should be silent about it?
How are the devs gonna know if we do not talk about it? How will the class improve if we do not point out the flaws or give feedback.
This must be joke. The threads are there in the hopes that they will pay attention to it and make the changes.
My main concern is ppl who want us to ignore, giving feedback and having a better game.
Ogryn needs more weapons and some changes to his toughness, such as rolling back the changes made previously to his toughness, at least a bit. So he can actually feel big, instead of just feeling clumsy.
I think other than that you are wrong on every account. Really hope the devs, listen to feedback on this, other than that you should think again why feedback is given or the forum exists.
The idea is right but the implementation is bad.
Make both lights and heavies to be slow but give them a different purpose, like lights to farm toughness, heavies to apply debuffs and dots. Something like that.
When you have everything on heavies you end up playing 1 button spam without brain activity involved.
On additional
Why ogryn knives don’t have bleed specific blessings like human’s have? Knives and clubs have the same playstyle.
Tank ogryn needs ability to sprint while holding block with extra stamina consumption as a price. Some talents like “blocking an attack gives % toughness damage reduction for x seconds” and other classic tank stuff like “you take less damage from back and side hits”
Special attacks on the most ogryn weapons are whatever. A lot of times i use special attacks to justify their existance, not because it’s fun or has a huge impact.
For ogryn fantasy you can have something like a chance to suppress enemies on melee kills. Enemies see you smashed one of them and shitting their pants. Can be triggered once per x seconds.
Like there is so much more you can do beside spamming heavies.
Also i keep saying in every ogryn thread this Bardin Slayer talent should be ogryn archetype passive ability. How they missed this is a perfect thing for a slab of meat like ogryn.
Not a subject for a change, but when i first played ogryn it was feeling silly to slide, i was expecting to have a dash-charge or something. I don’t want to be swift and agile, i want to be a living train with ogryn.
Tho it could be interesting to see some keystones maybe that changes his slide. Many games has such options to modify your rolls/dashes.
You can add there a talent node that gives you tones of toughness also to compensate that you can’t dodge slide for example, if went with that keystones.
Barge is indeed something that I thought is obvious for the Archetype, but Fatshark doesn’t think that 1000 Kilograms of pure muscle is able to push around some 60 kg dudes
(sorry for sounding mean, but that is kinda ridiculous if you think about it)
Holy, I thought that only I have that opinion, thank god I am not insane
I WANT to fulfill my Ogryn Fantasy of being an absolute tank!
This is actually pretty good change, I really do not like that I have to heavy spam a lot of the times to keep my Buffs going and regen toughness light attacks do not have that much of the use
worst thing is when some half rotten poxwalker meat knocked on the ground stops an ogryn from dodging, and you don’t even see it down there.
This seems like a good place to post this
As with Zealot and Veteran, here’s my take on rating ogryn’s talents, with an eye towards what is more universally useful. Talent’s that are better under certain other conditions (i.e. synergies with other talents or certain weapons/blessings) are noted as “conditional.”
I have the fewest hours on Ogryn as any of the other classes - so please let me know where I’ve got things right/wrong on this.
And as with the other threads, here’s a pass at a “quintessential” Ogryn build that picks some of the stronger stuff and builds off an earlier discussion thread:
Not sure why The Best Defense and Smash 'Em are optional, but they are Excellent.
Generally, really good, like
They aren’t optional - the are “conditional” - mostly because in some rarer cases (maybe using cleaver or lighter pick axe or shield) you don’t rely on heavy attacks as much. But maybe they should just be solid green as they are pretty basic talents that work with most setups.
Crunch should be downgraded to trap imo. Even if you are using Thrust blessing you will ideally be releasing the heavies before the last moment which is when Crunch activated. Given that its sibling node is Batter, there’s really no choice here.
Too Stubborn To Die I rate actually, it synergies well with the toughness regain on heavies. Makes a big difference when you’re low and need toughness the most. I eat a lot of bullets though.
Surprised to see the taunt focus down low, I’ve never used those perks on a non-shield build (and I don’t run shield anymore) but given my generally low block count in games I wouldn’t recommend it (despite blocking all the time I seldom exceed 20). I will experiment though! For my money, Too Stubborn + charge bleed or No Pushover + 15 toughness is more consistent.
British Momentum is nice for the Branx and generally getting comfy with maintaining stacks, might be worth a conditional outline (like you have in the first chart).
Just my two cents
Worst talent in the game, worse than revive shouts.
Yeah, sorry for misreading.
I guess there are some cases to be made with Cleavers(with blessing for some Toughness regen) that is pretty niche, I must say, but that is true that in some cases these talents will not bring as much to the table as they will in others.
I still think they should be solid green, they are just that good(20% toughness is a lot, even if you do not count additional for just killing an enemy)
I found greater success with just doing Heavies on Karsolas Pickaxe, they are really spamable with nice infinite pattern, but light attacks are as good if you have some damage stacks and lots of trash mobs that needs to be dealt with ASAP.
Shield’s light attacks are so bad in comparison to Heavies that is not even funny.
The best way to fight with the Shield is literally spamming push and Heavies, usually the first one, and forgetting that you have any light attacks besides push-attack.
First Heavy can one-shot like 5 dudes(still didn’t test exactly how many) with one attack and the second Heavy is the stagger king for the horde(it also applies bleed to all of the targets), and the light attacks… Well, they are sad but good for killing that dog with a push-attack, or throwing dudes around, not that much of the killing stuff.
I wish I could agro enemies by just hitting them…
In conclusion, your rated talent tree is really good and I think that is really close to being objective . I am just pretty angry and tired to just Heavy spam with the Shield to deal enough of the damage to help the losing team, light attacks here are no good…
I think this might be a mistype? Heavies are where it’s at for Karl and Slab.
FWIW I still prefer boxes for extra rescues/cc and it lets you take both slam and Soften, basically the preview #13 j_sat build.
Ah interesting, something else to try… does it still do some damage on single target like a Box o’ Hurt atavism?