Lag is worse than it was before the recent patch

Issue Description:
The game lags(not the fps) harder than ever

Attempted Solutions:
I have tried to turn on VPN, which worked untill the recent patch, but now I can’t play the game without VPN, and at the evenings I just can’t play the game


Upload Console Log:
console-2023-03-08-08.50.44-40e5575e-e9d6-446b-b0f9-f6e74966ad32.log (513.6 KB)

Upload darktide_launcher.log:
darktide_launcher.log (71.8 KB)

The evidence:
I sped up the video in some places to fit in 30 mb.

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I had literally the same problems. After last patch tho I’m now having just something that looks like high ping (around 500 if I had to guess), no longer lags like in your vid but just all actions (hitting, activating buttons, etc) have a delay for half a second


Today has been horrendous

Lag even in the Morningstar

Feels like playing on servers on the other side of the world

Honestly, give us the ability to host p2p games, than to play with such abysmal delay, Vermintide 2 was one of the very few games with genuene GOOD p2p.

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Same here. Maybe it’s just more people playing? Anyways it has gotten worse this last week.

No, it’s usually in the donwtime of players