We’re aware that there have been some issues with the recent spotlight rewards received.
We’ve identified an issue with how time in-mission was tracked, and we’re working to resolve this and will be rolling out the additional rewards afterwards. Will update here once this has happened - please bear with us.
For the hero pose specifically, there is a known issue with a delay in receiving/registering with the backend. It may require restarting Vermintide 2 or hopping between Keeps a few times to pop in. Sorry about that - please give this a try if you’re missing the pose!
I got only two instead of three but that is just the problem with the hidden counter…
I just do not understand why we do not get Quests like kill X specials of the give type or do something instead of this stupid time spent thing.
So, the weekly spotlight from 14th to 17th, the kill counter is done, and I sure as hell played well over 3 hours during the event. Yet, no rewards to be seen. Where are they?
Well, I got the portrait frame, the gutter runner skin, sellsword coins, and also this, which I suppose is meant to be the shilling reward, with some questionable math.
Can you try restarting Vermintide 2 (possibly a few times) - other players have reported the hero pose popping in after this.
I’ve been told that this message is initially shown when accessing the store for the very first time and this is when those Shillings would have been received. It’s displaying incorrectly again.
I restarted the game, there was no popup, but now there seems to be a hero pose set for each of her dual-wield weapons in my inventory, so I think it’s good now. Thank you for the help.
I was confident that I spent at least 3 hours last week in the match. Yet I haven’t received any reward from accumulating play time. Can you help to check if my progression was correctly tracked? Otherwise I’m feeling too frustrated to spend time in the game for this week’s spotlight.
I just logged into the game and got the Rattling skin but only that skin despite the fact that I played about 5 hours. So I checked my skins and poses and I realize I miss even those I got last week for the week before. So I restarted the game and now I do not have even that one Rattling skin. What is going on?!
I know that at this point many players have similar issues. I think you should just give all rewards for all players for last two weeks because solving it one by one will be hell for you…
I played more than 3 hours of Versus matches last week, but I did not receive the Hero Pose and Frame, nor the Helmgart Sellsword. I only received the Rattling Gunner skin.
We’ve pushed a backend hotfix which has now added any missing rewards from Week 1 Versus Spotlight - Kerillian & Gutter Runner.
The issue we identified with time tracking has been resolved, and we’ve triple-checked the tracked time against account data history to ensure the rewards are accurate, and rewards going forwards will also be.
Week 2 Versus Spotlight Kruber & Ratling Gunner rewards have also rolled out, but with the same limitations when received:
Reward pop up won’t show the new pose or Sellsword Marks even though they’re applied.
New pose might require a restart (or two) before it shows up in your inventory.