KNOWN ISSUE: Crash Can Occur When Using Morgrim's Bomb

We are aware of a crash that can occur when using Morgrim’s Bomb currently. We are looking into this.

We will be merging any existing posts relating to this issue here.

Anyone who throws a morgrims bomb will crash when it explodes.

This will be resolved soon, apologies.

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Hotfix 5.1.1 has gone live which should resolve this crash!

Please see:

I am still crashing especially at the end with the morgrims bomb and its not just one person all of us crashed I was in a quick play with my friends and the bombs crashed us twice

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Same experience here. One person (who wasn’t host) threw a Morgrim’s at a Mino in the last map of the expedition, and both he, I, and our other friend (who was host) all crashed to desktop.

Hi both, if possible could you please provide a crash report (if this happens again), or your relevant console log from the session this occured so we can take a look.

Thanks in advance!

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