Kitchen knife is the new meta

What we will do with existing uncanny knifes ?

I expect the %s to shift, rather than it being nuked outright.
I think people should be careful about asking for that mind you, as that’ll be yet another swimming noodle after they nerf bat it.

Omg… Over a year ago. :rofl:

Also I get the stamina, I really do. I’d mostly used 3x toughness curios since release. Only changed 1 to health when the soundless specialists started being a thing. But since idk 6+ months ago I switched one toughness to stamina instead after realizing it was never about blocking but everything else.

Considering psykers and knives both have 1 stamina, just that one sta curio alone will give you 2.5x more sta, which between the knife’s movespeed & sprint efficiency and psyker’s 50% shorter sta recovery delay is amazing. Other classes might not get as much out of sta & knives but it’s still plenty.

So putting the sta on the knife and saving on the curio or even stacking both is honestly not a bad idea at all.

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It’s been like 10 patches ago though. It was a very different game back then.

Hah :slight_smile: I wasn’t holding you to that view mate!
I picked the knife bleed/crit build up probably around Dec-22 ish I think, and pretty much just stuck to it there or thereabouts. I was just quoting you as I think your post was one of the earliest to recommend it with the blessings I use.

Other than changing the flamer ( :sad face: ) out, it’s been a fairly rock-solid buiild for ages. Can’t say that about most other combinations!

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Didn’t say you were! I mean, the value of that advice is lost in time like tears in rain. If I’d build a knife around bleed mechanics today (hard mode: no Uncanny Strike) It would look like yours but with Flesh Tearer instead of Lacerate.
There’s a few more good blessings but they’re not explicitly bleed related.

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