Karnak Twins No Reward

Karnak twins are an interesting event in missions, and all commentary aside on the whole whether-or-not-this-should-be-time-limited thing, why do they give no rewards?

You’re conducting a time-limited run on a new “boss” without giving players anything for it. So for a limited time only missions are… slightly harder? Bosses have needed to give some kind of reward in this game since release, this is a general problem, but now there’s an extra fight players might need to do in a mission that makes it take longer and be generally slightly more challenging, but there’s no reward for players doing the content.

Mechanics like this, when missing rewards, only punish players. The content existing means making, on average, less dockets per player, fewer weapon/curio drops due to failure, etc.

This isn’t commentary on their difficulty, or that they’re time limited at all. Only that changes like this make the game, by some margin, even more grindy, which can’t possibly be the direction anyone wants the game to go.


Evry Monster encounter not giving rewards it’s damn awful…


They’re not difficult enough to warrant a reward in my opinion.


Serving the Emperor is it’s own reward.

Why would the Emperor even notice you?

…still. A little love goes a long way. Earning a weapon blessing/perk unlock would be pretty groovy. Just saying. :slight_smile:


I mean… Having 3 weapons per victory for us Vermintide 2 veterans would be nice.


Giving us that much wargear would give us less to complain about in the RNGsus department because at least we’d be getting a decent amount of gear per run… so Fatshark is gonna ignore the whole “reward” aspect of the game altogether.

As @V1z13r said:


The reward is you get to complete the run instead of wiping.


it’s ironic you say that but also say monsters shouldn’t drop a reward

At least give us the ability to filter out what weapons we get in the RNG shop. I’m sick of waiting an hour for the shop to rotate only for it to be full of weapons that no one likes.

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It’s not that I don’t want the extra rewards, but I mainly don’t want people constantly triggering Daemonhosts, where I’ll probably end up being the one carrying them over some crafting materials, which we could probably get more of from looting. I’m not saying I don’t want the reward, but the risky stupidity of pubs far outweighs the reward - if you play with your friends I don’t see a problem with it because that way there’s some communication.

Edit: In regards to the Karnak Twins, they’re weak as Hel individually and I don’t really expect anything for them. They’ve never been a game changer to me except for the time Rodin trapped me in the corner while I was looting and he started spamming me with Plasma, and even then I still flogged him. I really hope there is a dedicated Karnak Twins (both at the same time) boss battle in the future where they’re actually challenging.

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Why would you get a reward for something you didn’t even kill?

They are a teaser for the upcoming patch.


I just hope we’ll get something fun and at least marginally different for the upcoming “Special Assignment”, maybe Zola with covering fire while we fight both twins, or Zola in a cage, or full JRR Martin and the twins gruesomely executing Zola in front of us (nah… probably too edgy for the scope of the game)…
And possibly some specific reward. Like +5% more plasteel than usual.

Not just an arena and bam two bosses at once. Bye.

I’m all for “the gameplay is the reward” really. Just need something fun.

Some plasteel would make the most sense, seeing how we’re going to want to try out all the new weapons… i mean seriously the crafting sucks anyway, what’s the harm in a 20% extra plasteel weekend or event to go along with them? Or just a flat 200 plasteel for killing them.

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They should just increase the Plasteel in general.

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There’s no reward for beating bosses or doing side objectives like scriptures. You only get a reward if you complete the mission.
It’s pretty lame.

Thank you. I felt like I was the insane one for a minute there :rofl:

The Karnak Twins are so disappointing to fight, no matter what difficulty you play on, yet Monsieur URANUS over there tried to make it sound like I’m being arrogant or something. I get that they’re only Traitor Lieutenants but they’re NAMED Traitor Lieutenants, so them bugging out after only 7-15 seconds of combat kinda leaves something to be desired.

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Absolutely fits the setting and in that regard, Darktide is one of the more forgiving games.

Thinks back to the countless wounds ruining characters mid-campaign and tedious exploring not granting enough resources in Mordheim


i’d rather be concerned if i didnt use games as escapism, that’s what they’re literally made for.

the rhetorical question would be what you do in darktide thats not escapism AND be jealous about the performance of others? ever visit a concert and be mad those on stage play an instrument better?
or does the “enjoyable hamster wheel” not provide public recognition so you have to start an argument in a games forum?

see, people outperforming the majority in whatever field, sports, music, games i can respect. dudes doing the job they’re paid for? thats literally the deal, time for money, noones cheering you up there.

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Now I see why you’re such a masochist :stuck_out_tongue:

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Forum devolved into 3 users flaming one another’s skill, probably best if a mod closes this one down.

This again wasn’t commentary on the difficulty of the boss, or them being time limited at all, but rather that there’s an extra step to do in a mission that makes them take very slightly longer to complete, but doesn’t reward the player for doing so.