Itemization Rework Q&A Part 1 - Dev Blog

In the “Introduction to the Itemization Rework - Dev Blog” you mentioned this:
“When viewing any weapon, it will show the weapon’s maximum potential stats. These stats will be randomly determined. It’s up to the players to decide if the weapon profile is interesting enough for them to commit and increase the stats until reaching this potential (which are then applied to the weapon through the Expertise system).”

Does this mean that we CAN choose to fill things from 0 to cap for each different stats?

This is important because psykers want force swords with extremely low warp resistance, because low warp resistance on a sword has multiple beneficial qualities for certain playstyles.

If the crafting is as it is described: a weapon is shown with all its potentials, and then the player can choose to invest to reach that potential, does that meant that weapons start with a stat distribution of 0 0 0 0 and 0, which then can be pumped up to the potentials?

If so, that would be appreciated, since that allows for intentional minimizing of warp resistance.

Of course, if that is too player friendly, and you want there to always be a random stat distribution to accompany the random potential distribution, can you at least add the option to lower a given stat in addition to increasing it?

Thank you @FatsharkStrawHat for being a Community Manager.


I don’t think attachment are/were replaced by the crafting system.

Attachment would most likely have worked on the side of those things, and the game would still have had weapon stats and such things.

But it’s a system that would have been so heavy to have worked perfectly, and would have not really mattered for certain weapons, while for other…


Everything is great, except this. I made a great weapon while playing vet thinking I was on my zealot only to realise after I invested all my monies.

After you break the locks, you should break the chains! 1 pool of weapons for all classes.


Ok, so experience/mastery aren’t connected to the stat attribution on a weapon then, if I understand correctly. The Force Sword with 60% Damage will never be possible to raise to say 70% Damage instead.

I couldn’t possibly agree more with your side note worry. The risk that some gruntled top system designer says “but then it gets too easy and people will stop playing” is fairly high.

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Awesome communication - thanks!

While I find it a wasted opportunity that 380 and 80% still remain immovable limits, the fact that every weapon is now (potentially) a 380 is very good news. In combination with locks gone I’m certain itemisation will be far more fun to engage with!


I mean yes, not removing the old way of getting items is good. But it’s kind of a half-way thing, I think.

With a full rework like this they should have butchered the RNG and removed the power budget system completely.

That weapons are still locked at 380, and that you’ll still be hunting for the ‘perfect’ stat distribution base weapon is kind of insane, to be honest.

Worse still, the ‘broken locks’ are time gated. Want to freely swap around T4 blessings? Gotta have maxed mastery on that weapon family first.


Please remove this part.
This just feels bad.

Everything else regarding this update seems like it addresses issues with the terrible RNG mechanics, by offering ways to circumvent them.
Please do the same for the weapon base stats.

It is fine if a base weapon has limited max stats with randomized distribution, but please let us do SOMETHING to remove that RNG and the limitation.

For example
Once a weapon’s family is maxed out, let us pay a bunch of ressources to enable us to upgrade all 5 stats to 80%. Let us pay something like 10k diamantine and 25k plasteel to upgrade an item to red, removing limitations and enabling full max stat upgrades.
Something like that.

It would feel much better and be a reward for using a weapon a lot.
The small bonus from those 20 extra stat points is likely irrelevant for balancing purposes, but it simply feels much better to have such a weapon.

Also, why stick with the 80% stat bars? It always seemed strange.
Why not simply change the values so that the current 80% is the new 100%?


Thank you, this addresses all of my main concerns surrounding the Rework!


So the gist of all this is that getting a good base item will still be totally rng and will still hamstring us players in trying to make decent weapons. All because we cannot choose what stat bar to apply our “Expertise” bonuses to. Like than half of the natural 380 weapons I’ve gotten are trash tier entirely because they have the wrong dump stat, and that will still be the case here too. Except the player has to grind their ass off for the privilege to see that the weapon is still going to be garbage.

That’s still a pretty garbage system. Not doing anything to alleviate one of the major RNG pain points in the system while simultaneously introducing a new “per item” grind and doubling down on not sharing items between characters is some bull****.

Also, this makes it sound like we will need to use up our budget of Expertise points to change the blessings, and presumably the perks, on a weapon. Won’t that impact the amount of Expertise that can go towards the base stats?


@FatsharkStrawHat This is great news, do tell the management that the krieg cosmetic for the dueling sword would be good to put on sale once dueling sword is unlockable on veteran.

Also the Astra Militarum does have flamethrower troopers… And the Heavy Swords are from Guard Regiments, not to mention that the veteran bots wield those.

I wish that this promised change goes through with the breadth of class-port-overs that I hope that it entails.


I remember the last time a post was made about Items and the Crafting system.

It was a horrible and dumb post. Trying to explain the dumb RNG and 10ns of hours of Grind…

Thanks StrawHat for this amazing Q&A! And I hope you guys are doing ok!


Except the player has to grind their ass off for the privilege to see that the weapon is still going to be garbage.

They actually said in the previous post that you will be able to see the potential out the gate so you know if you want to invest in it.


I don’t disagree with this, but my guess is they’ll release red weapons/all stats 80 in a future update. That’s how they did in V2 right?

I’ve probably just gotten so used to spending millions at Brunt’s so I’m not even that bothered by the stat allocation hunt anymore, especially with the amount of ordo dockets I’ve amassed since launch and the Buy Until Rating mod. But it’s def not the best design.


This would have been better if it were the starting point when the game came out

Essentially you have the same exact RNG in place for getting items in the first place

Okay so say I have a 530 with a locked t3 blessing, will I be able to fix weapons like these? Previous bricks?

They’re removing the locks so we should be able to change perks and blessings freely now.


Sounds good! I can’t wait to arrange my inventories

I really wish we could share no class specific weapons between characters


It seems really odd to keep the current itemization system and just add another one on top of it… I was thinking and hoping that everything regarding itemization would get reworked.
Hadron and Brunt seem really “simple” in design and always felt like an afterthought rather than a real itemization system in the first place.

I’m not too optimistic anymore.


Also: a question that has been asked, but not answered:

What is up with these numbers next to perks and blessings, as well as the 80/82 and 62/82 in the bottom right corner of the images posted in the OP?

Those numbers were also present in the first images that were posted in the original thread about the crafting rework (see below).


Won’t seem odd when a new weapon family drops and players with a billion resources can throw a bunch at the armory/melk just like they can now to test out some blessings before unlocking them via mastery.


All right, some proper ost, and let’s start reading!