Itemization Rework Q&A Part 1 - Dev Blog

Sounds good! Thank you for the update!

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Thanks for compiling and answering some of the key concerns of the transition in such a direct way. Grateful for all your work StrawHat!

Iā€™m curious about some cosmetic related tangents:

  1. Will we be able to inspect and read our weapon skin/camo and weapon trinket descriptions in this future update? There isnā€™t any way to read and inspect the descriptions of the weapon camos/skins or weapon trinkets (as far as Iā€™m aware, forgive me if Iā€™ve missed this basic feature).
  2. Will there be free weapon camos/skins and weapon trinkets able to be earned through progression in the new system? It could be too early to ask, but if not, are there any details on quality, quantity, or variety?
  3. The customizable weapon/armour mods are commonly seen in the driptide community. Will there be any additional forms of customization for weapon cosmetics added in this future update (aside from skins and trinkets)?


Question : It is said in this post and the last one that blessing library will be a ā€œheadstartā€.

If one has a complete blessing library for a specific weapon type, could one expect to have their mastery fully completed, or will you add mandatory grind ?


I think it is a good enough system for both trying to keep what Fatshark has intended the itemization progression to be and what people are willing to stomach, but to each their own I guess.

This alone feels like a decent way to go. With an investment, you can make more base weapons viable for upgrading. From the way I read it weapons that are already at the cap wonā€™t be able to be upgraded past this point, so whatever point distrubition they have will be set in stone.

Is there a way to remove points from one ā€œbucketā€ to be added to another? while still keeping the ā€œinvestmentā€ cap from expertise in mind?


This is all pretty solid! Is it the system that was initially advertised and is still mostly implemented via For the Drip and the armory mods? No, not at all, but itā€™s a big improvement.

Do make sure it doesnā€™t take forever to grind this stuff. Please please please. Donā€™t kneecap yourselves. I know that shooting oneself in the foot and then immediately denying it is The Fatshark Way, but you guys are so close right now.



buff to flechette?


Flamer for vetā€¦? plzā€¦?

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Sorry, Iā€™m tired, but I donā€™t get this one. Does this mean that I can have a grey weapon with 60% dmg, consecrate it and it can reach a higher stat?

Everything can get 380 stat points total, not everything can get 80% in specific categories.

Weā€™re still somewhat at the mercy of RNG but now itā€™s a matter of ā€˜does a given base hit breakpoints with itā€™s POTENTIAL stat distributionā€™ rather than ā€˜does it have enough stat points at allā€™.


we are blessed to have you as our CM.

I appreciate the guts to openly defend some of the more contested hot points regarding crafting & these updates so far are very much appreciated & do alleviate the few doubts i had after the first blog about it.

I hope you guys keep at it with the testers & iā€™m sure thisā€™ll come out great.

Happy weeekend straw & co.


It does give alot of second chances to weapon otherwise discarded, if you have the coveted max cap 380 with correct dumpstat distribution you are already set.


this seems great by the looks of it.

canĀ“t wait to fine tune some semi-great weapons that are just below hitting a breakpoint, so theyĀ“re currently stored away and collecting dust.

this will spice up my loadout quite a bit and the fact that i already got most of the mastery done (as far as i understood) means i can get to it once the patch is released.

lotsa ammoā€¦goooood times.
thanking you, sah


Still not clear on something - apart from the locks breaking and players now having more ā€œfreedomā€ to unlock/customize, my question is: is the overall power of weapons remaining the same, or will a newly-maxed-out weapon with this new system give more damage/power/stats.

Iā€™ve felt with all the changes happening, overall as a Zealot I feel weaker. Bolter doesnā€™t mow down multiple armor anymore, you only get 25% of your heal from undying, and just overall things just dont die as fast.

tl;dr - does the power/damage of weapons in this system overall stay the same, get buffed, or get nerfed?

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Thanks. My slowness remains though. What makes a weapon go to 380?

Letā€™s say I roll the dice at Bruntā€™s and get a 340 Force Sword. That sword can now go from 340 to 380? If so how, by consecrating it?


some blessings could really need a lift, not being used much, if at all, while still having potential theoretically.

would have replied earlier, but iĀ“m still on the clock so i got to be sneaky and sometimes get ā€œdisturbedā€ :sweat_smile:

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Is there any chance we also get new weapons for the Itemization rework too, maybe like Hellgun or Melta?

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If youā€™ve stabbed a lot of things with Force Swords and done a lot of missions with them, you gain Experience/Mastery, then you use the new menu (presumably replacing the old ā€˜re-blessā€™ and ā€˜refineā€™ options, but might be a new vendor or something) to pump more points into it.

Side note: I am somewhat worried that some bright spark will decide that the RNG vendors will need to be nerfed since CLEARLY you can just spend plasteel/diamantine to upgrade your weapon stats. I really donā€™t want to see Melk spam level 2 blessings or something equally egregious. His store is already quite awful for what seems to be intended to be endgame gear.


Every gun having the potential to be a 380 now is pretty cool. I can stomach one level of RNG and then working to get the rest of it.

Like Ragnarok said above, definitely the grind time itself will make or break the system.

Also, allowing Hadron to still consecrate items to let people brute force it with enough currency is a good choice, but if you still need to unlock the blessings when an entirely new family of weapons comes out, that will still hamper people who like to experiment, even if the mastery grind isnā€™t that long.

One idea to mitigate this would be maybe adding another element to Hadron that lets you re-consecrate blessings/perks so you can keep rolling for currency even if you canā€™t pick exactly what you want.

That way long time players/experimenters with literal dragonā€™s hoards of resources have some way to get what they want out the gate. Otherwise this new system is a downgrade for these people.

These people might have been willing to put up with the RNG before, but there will definitely be some salty feelings if we go from a system they currently benefit from previous time invested to a system that puts them on the same playing field as people who donā€™t play nearly as often.

Overall I like the changes and I will be fine with them, but I can already see the resentment festering.