Itemization Rework Q&A Part 1 - Dev Blog

A lot of devs away to be fair, so there might just not be the people around needed to answer more questions :slight_smile:


people better not ask me work related stuff when on vacation :smiling_imp:


Iā€™ve collected another 10+ pages and the devs are reviewing it and weā€™re working on the next round of Q&A for yā€™all!

Edit: I did take a few days off in the last week, so I was slow to respond here. Iā€™m back now! :pray:


lets GOOO.
Can we have more character slots? and can we skip leveling if we have a lvl 30 of that class? or is there Possibly, maybe, could be. some reason we have a fifth slot? Just thought id ask you the first two directly, could we have this.

EDIT: Please let us put Flashlights on things we wantā€¦ and make Lights out more regular.


Stay hydrated StrawHat! Hope you enjoyed your well deserved break :heart:


Very good!! Thank you for letting us know! It makes a difference knowing that thereā€™s something in the works, it feels much more like a dialogue.

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StrawHat, I need you to understand that you are currently doing something I had not even the faintest of hope to see coming from the Fatshark game development studio ever in my lifetime: an actual dialogue and frequent communication and interaction with your playerbase.

You are now singlehandedly as a first liner bringing back INTEREST in Darktide from us veteran players, because you are actually letting us know what is going on in the development pipeline. We never seeked out to be informed about every single line of code written in the game engine - but just a little bit of transparency when it comes to the roadmap of the game goes A LONG WAY. This ensures us that you are indeed still working on the game, hence giving both veteran and new players alike revived interest in following and playing the game!

Thank you for finally proving to us that proper two-way communication regarding your roadmap and the future of Darktide is possible. More often than not will this notion bring positives to both you as a game development company, and us, the playerbase. ESPECIALLY for the live service game model! When you release a big content drop, you may absolutely ride on that initial wave of interest you naturally get, but sooner rather than later, you should let the players know what to expect further down the line.

Greetings from a guy who has put 1500 hours into this madness of a game.
It has been like a toxic relationship, but I am genuinely seeing the light at the end of the tunnel here - well done! :+1:


Oh yeah, THIS is the anti-choice system and not the ā€œScrew you, permanent RNG hellā€ system we have NOW.


Thank you for this


I would also like to commend the fact that usually you/the Darktide team gives a little paragraph or so about why they make the balance changes they make.

Keep doing that. Even if players might not like the reasons given.

As we could see over the fence the past week, HD2 community was set on fire with some balance changes which were not explained at the moment of release. Then they did explain them, which led to another round of vitriol.

At least explaining everything out the gate would have only started one fire instead of multiple/prolonged ones.


Noted! Iā€™ll keep this in mind. Thank you!


Ordo dockets with Diamantine and some Plasteel is all it will take, adding a new ā€œcrafting currencyā€ would have ended up creating more grind and offset with attaining it. Its all in the dev blog how Strawhat mentions that adding a new crafting currency woould add more frustration to players. The existing currencies are enough.

Iā€™m missed or forgotten the ā€˜expected dateā€™ this stuff is going to be released. Can anyone help me out by pointing it out for me?

ā€œafter summerā€

My guess, based on the seasonal content schedule for last year and the confirmation that weā€™re getting 2 more content updates this year, is October.


I was more so hoping that it would be late September like on or just after September 22nd being the first day of Autumn

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that is not what I said. mechanicus credits would replace plasteel and diamantine has actual currencies in the game plasteel and diamantine would be worth the credits instead.

my suggestion was to reduce the currencies for crafting not to add more to it.

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I do wonder after the following:

What does this mean for weapons:

  • That are on their own: Staves and Kickback/Rumbler (Donā€™t share blessing, but do models)
  • That may not be on their own: Plasma; Bolter; Ogryn Power Maul; Crusher; Hack Shotgunā€¦
  • Weapons that do share but still might get a variant: Stub Revolver; Chainsword; Chain Axe; Eviceratorā€¦

Like will the update ā€˜completeā€™ them or will the release of new variants/marks result in them being attached after the fact ?


Good question. In my perfect world these weapons would be slapped in similar enough families and then certain blessings in that family would just have ā€œThis blessing only works on X Mk weaponā€

Because Iā€™m gonna be a pretty unhappy camper leveling a ā€œfamilyā€ consisting of 1 weapon.


I guess my christmas update wasnt so far off eh. Yall ever gonna fix the game to where its playable on xbox?

maybe xbox players should try to play differently since from what iā€™ve seen their problems arenā€™t mechanical but a total lack of awareness.

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