recoil works differently depending on if you’re standing or crouching and aiming or not. it’s not a bug, it’s the perk interacting with the recoil mehcanics which are more involved than you thought. you can’t say “this isn’t how it works IRL” or “this isn’t how i think is should work” and call it a bug. a weird choice sure but not a bug.
I do not know where the miscommunication between us is happening.
If its recoil based THEN OBVIOUSLY it would reset in ADS FASTER than hipfiring right?
But this is NOT the case as I stated before
The game has 4 ‘major states’
Las Hip, Las ADS, Pro Hip, Pro ADS
and IN ALL 4 states the reset time is different.
Ergo its obviously, without a shadow of a doubt bug
Cuz if it was a intended mechanic, then crouching and ADSing would always reduce the reset time - BUT it doesnt
recoil works differently for different guns. lasguns are weird, and the recoils discoruages ADS for some reason. doesn’t seem to be a bug, lasguns are weird in a lot of ways.
This sounds like a series of recent and not so recent bug/not-a-bug arguments.
It seems all semantics to me. If it’s just illogical, then it’s worth flagging. If people want to argue whether it’s not a bug or not because devs said they’re not going to change it now… just means that its eventual category will be determined some time in the future.
Perhaps “please find out if this is a bug or a feature” would be a good list to compile for CMs.
This would actually be helpful <3
As a dad who doesn’t have much more time than play a game or two every couple of days, as a general statement on my end, if this time investment is more than a small handful of games I will probably never play the game again. I know others who are short on time like me probably won’t view this as worthwhile either. Just thought it would be worth mentioning and giving you an idea of scope of players, not just the hardcore peeps.
Yeah I don’t use that weapon, been waiting for the rework so I can pick the blessings I want on it. Always run Headhunter & Ghost on my Kantrael lasguns.
Thanks for letting me know though. I’m guessing its bveen reported before? ooh, thats what I get for responding before reading! I see now, so theres some confusion with the blessing.
Well I can say for certain I don’t use that blessing because its too hard to get good value outta it, so if it is working as intended, it sucks and should be fixed. If it isn’t then it should be fixed anyway.
don’t ask questions that have different answers from different devs, dude. doesn’t end well for us.
Hi, if all Brunt RNG/Melk/regular shop still stands, it could be a good idea to allow a bypass to the grind needed to reach the max stat distribution imposed when you buy a weapon or when you get it as a reward. Some have already suggested the possibility to swap stats :
On the same Vibe, couldn’t we imagine to use the salvage option to dismantle a weapon and keep the specific part we’re interested in ?
Each part collected would be associated with a stat (for instance we could keep the cannon associated with a good 80 damage) and when comes the day we want to build the gun of our dream, after the necessary time at collecting everything (keeping in mind that all the parts together can’t exceed 380), we ask Hadron to make it for a legitimate Price.
What do you think about this ? Just a proposition
I almost posted an idea like that about a fortnight ago.
Weapons have three parts (say); handle/guard/blade for one example, or stock/barrel/feeder (or trigger)… along those lines. And each is linked to one or two stats; e.g. handle = finesse, guard = defense and mobility, blade = damage and first target. Then you can mix and match in the workshop.
I assume this was maybe similar to the original premise of weapon modularisation? And that got binned well before launch. Doubt that’ll get revisited now.
In fact, I don’t think it’s even needed to physically make appear the parts in a complex customization system as we wished for… a long time ago(in my mind : as we actually wish now ).
The parts we extract from guns could be simple objects stored in a special tab from the inventory. Then as we ask for Hadron to assemble it, it becomes a standard gun, simply fitted with a bunch of desires stats, so no modularization required, even if… they could do it
Have you tried the weapon customisation mod? Just to give you an idea of the potential structure within the system.
You’re right and I use it already Indeed. As you inspect this (great) mod, you’re aware that a Modularization system seems to be deeply rooted in the code, that’s why I said they could do it. However, nobody told us we would officially benefit from it one day or if it’s a working project so… I personnally don’t count on it then I make my assumptions pretenting it could never happen
I always figured it was intentional
btw this was quite some time ago, but when I was testing it out, I found the internal cooldown reset whenever you left ads, so you could spam ads to reset the buff if you wanted, but it’s usually not worth it / janky af, especially on headhunter which is basically .2s cd anyways.
Its due to many experienced gamers complaining as they seem to have progressed along yet disregard for starting players, also for any players that are under level 30 they are jumping into Damnation unprepared for its difficulty (ofc beginners mistakes are blunders bound to happen). What grinds my gears is all these complaints over something that does have that structure that goes back to the progressive “leveling up” roots that go as far back as TTRPGs like Dungeons and Dragons. Gamers wanting their games to have minimal effort to attain things can also cause a game to become less satisfying, just as much as if its way too difficult then the player gives up. Its a horseshoe effect of games.
Why not unlock the weapon stats so the player can choose the stat distribution? is there going to be a modification currency we get paid instead of plasteel and diamantine because the current system sucks has most people stock pile diamantine and never have enough plasteel why not have 1 plasteel = mechanicus credit and 1 diamantine = 5 mechanicus credits, this way mechanicus credits are used to alter equipment and there are no less useful currencies.
If I understand it correctly, assuming the status distribution is even, this weapon will have the 75+74+76+78+77=380 modifier.
Even though the modders showed the possibility of scrolling, I am very disappointed that Fat Shark prevents scrolling through each status.
Looking at what has been revealed so far, the new system to be released will help recycle trash with values around 300, but it does not seem to be of much help in upgrading existing weapons.
It’s not an improvement, it’s just an added convenience.
All of this sounds incredible! To think that we actually get to keep our current weapons, so the new Mastery / Expertise system is literally just on top of what we already have. That should set many minds at ease.
Some questions however:
Based on the numbers on those pictures (‘green’ base score total = 326, ‘blue’ base score total = 380, and each stat seems to increase by the same relative percentage → 380/326 = ~16.5%), it seems we can’t focus on increasing a specific stat but rather just the base score itself. Which will then increase all stats by the same relative amount. Can you confirm this?
If yes, then the next questions would be:
- Can a stat can increase beyond 80? What about 100?
- What is the cap (if any) and what happens when you reach it? Do the extra stat points get distributed to other stats evenly or are they just wasted?
As an example: If stats can increase to 100 max but there is no overflow to other stats once capped, then that would mean a base rating ~317 with 80 dmg & penetration and otherwise ideal stat distribution would be the best possible drop. It would be expensive to grind all the way up to base score 380, but at that point it would have 100 dmg & pen. Compared to weapons that dropped at high base rating but can never reach further.
@FatsharkStrawHat its been 10 days. Got anything else? please keep up the chats :^)