Is “thunderstrike” good on vet shovels?

i keep rolling this perk instead of thrust or decimator. is it actually good for auric-level? or should i keep going for the other 2 blessings?

Thunderstrike is more impact if i recall, and impact is not damage its more stagger.

Stagger is already high enough on shovels. Go for the Thrust Decimator combo to murder all the things.

If you want an impact blessing go hammer blow. At least on the old Vet shovel, with hammer blow you can knock Maulers and Ragers out of their attack chains with heavy attacks which is stupid strong. You do sacrifice killing power for it however which is important to remember.

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that’s what i thought… i’m not actively going for impact, it’s just that i keep rolling it whenever i upgrade shovels lol i have dec and thrust on my normal shovel, but i want that combo on the new ones.

Stacking impact doesn’t work well when it comes to having a reasonable TTK on things, but is very good for CCing hordes with humanoid elites/ragers mixed in, and stunlocking crushers with heavy atk spam. You can combine one of the impact blessings with a power one like thrust or decimator, or the rending one for a more balanced set up that still keeps a reasonable TTK. It can still stunlock elites, but you need to aim for head strikes and build up some stacks before you’re safe from getting sent into the shadow realm by an overhead strike. It’s a good combo for defensive or support melee set ups, and does very well in ranged builds IMO. It’s pretty much replaced my all or nothing CAxes on most of my vet builds.

Thunderstrike is imo the worst stagger blessing And stagger blessings are almost every time not worth it. You really should go for thrust or decimator.

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