Think I might just encounter bombers out of view (lobbing over stuff) pelting the only way forward for us constantly. Can’t do anything about it except maybe go quite a bit back for them to get past that bottleneck to our side so we can deal with them… OR just walk through fire, which is not fun.
the customer is always right does not refer to the opinions the customers have, but rather “the customer is the one buying the product, if they aren’t then we the business need to change.”
In other words if you don’t like it then don’t give them money.
Any time a team talks about their “vision” for a game while ignoring player feedback, I know they don’t really care about what players want. Having a “vision” usually means “we’re going to make this game the way we want”–a rigid plan where player feedback will have little influence. The word vision, in the context of coming out of a PR team’s mouth, is a red flag to me.
On the plus side I haven’t really heard this word from fatshark, so there may be hope.
Well, they have big shoes to fill considering VTs. I consider it a failure so far. I still hope I’m wrong.
I like coherency. It needs some tweaking all around but the concept isn’t worthless.
I don’t trust very much Hedge says anymore. He has been short and unprofessional too many times now. In any case, you think anyone from Fatshark would admit the issues happening now are caused by Tencent?
have to agree with you on coherency, in the other tide games staying together is the only way to win at higher difficulties. Its always painful to get that one dude who thinks he gonna speedrun the whole thing without their team.
It’s a good thing coherency gets people to stay together!
Except it doesn’t. I notice little to no difference between Darktide and Vermintide in terms of players running off.
Coherency just makes it more obnoxious to play and for the people who are sticking together while indirectly punishing players who don’t cuddle close together even when that’s a bad idea/splitting up a bit would be the smarter play.
Memento homine!
I’ll leave this from an old topic ( Winds Of Magic Community Blogpost )
Wow… That post says it all. I tend to be forgiving of organizations, but unfortunately, I’m beginning to concur with the original OP.
That blogpost is about as tone deaf as you can be. That is naive hubris. Again, it baffles my mind that they learned these lessons with previous titles, but then chose to ignore them.
TBH I think that’s mostly the design of Grim/Scriptures and crafting mats counter balancing coherency. Most times I see people running off it appears to be to loot the area more thoroughly than some of their team mates may want to.
I’d say it does show that FS are, at their core, a jolly bunch of WH-nerds, and I mean that in both the good sense and the bad. They love the IP, the lore, the aesthetics, they have absolutely stunning visual artistry that definitely has the most “Warhammer-y” feel of any video game by large margin - but they also have the social skills of cellar-dwelling nerds that play with little plastic figurines.
You have the Witcher series where writers make jokes and talks down how bad the source material is in the writers room.
I agree with everything you said, but this, this is absolutely true.
I know you are not debating whether it’s true or not, but rather the fact that they are making jokes about it feeling superior.
But holy is the source material crap.
Feels like I’m the only one that don’t mind people running off if it’s for a purpose.
Splitting up and grabbing resources and look around for grims/scrips make it a quick endeavour.
I find higher success from games where people are confident in splitting up when safe to do so and then gather up when moving forward again.
Groups that tend to be so hyperfocused om being together at all times seems to have less success rate. Probably due to lack of confidence in their own skill. But also because it’s slower. The slower you go the more specials, hordes and enemies in general you face. Which means more opportunities for mistakes.
You can help each other while not being together by having good practices. Always pay attention where they are. Never go too far out of view so they have to go around lots of environment to get to you etc etc.
Think the containment apartment complex map is a good example. Good groups there tend to split up and be done with auspexes in a few seconds, then you move to next area. While bad groups takes forever making you fight endlessly and eventually you get withered down by attrition.
Maybe I missinterpret what people consider sticking together. It’s not an accurate statement without context.
I’m getting close to quarter million Ordocks. Shops is ridiculous - it’s going to end up the same as VT2 where I had tens of thousands of various dust colours, billions of jewelery components and so on. Absolutely sh*t-all to spend it on.
FS greatest problem has always been that they just release any old twattery and hope enough people stay around while they fix it. It’s probably not just a problem for them as a dev team, but when fixes come every…3-6 months ( anyone remember completely broken Battle Wizard for months? What about FlyFreeMancer? What about remembering Huntsman machine-gun hand gun? Oh and good old Moonbow/Sister of the Thorn) then it’s not a great indicator that things are going to be fixed any time soon.
As an example, We’ll get some kind of launch of crafting before Christmas. It’ll break, make things worse, cost a fortune in Dockets, Add ANOTHER layer of RNG or all of the above. Crafting will be fixed at Easter 2023.
Meanwhile, There’ll be absolutely no hope of a weapon balance patch as it’ll be a big scramble to fix crafting, and possibly tweak the RNG drop rate of the normal shop to maybe increase the drop rate of Transcendent weapons to >4%.
Anyone left will keep blasting through <Heresy as there’s simply no point playing higher difficulties. Cue Trolling, harrassing newer players and so on to get mah lootz… but for what?
The posts decrying the failure of FS/Darktide aren’t just an indication of the immediate problems with the game, they’re a sign of a more deep seated issue.
Fatshark have used up all the goodwill and forgiveness from their loyal playerbase and have nowhere to og other than actually make some serious, fast and bold moves to maintain any hope of keeping hold of players for the future. Am I saying the game will collapse in a week? Of course not. Am I saying it’ll have a much shorter life than VT2? As it stands it’s quite possible 3k concurrent DT players a week might not keep the servers running and it feels like this is where it’s heading within a year or two.
But that one dude DOES speedrun the whole thing! Usually straight into a group of elites and specials, who proceed to enlist the dude to make those gangbang videos even pornhub won’t list.
To me, the biggest issue is the SILENCE and acting like they do not even read these forums. They don’t acknowledge the majority of serious concerns. The community update was extremely tunnel visioned.
I vividly recall weapon customization being teased well before release. It was one of the things I was excited about.
But clearly that just means letting a 4 year old spray paint your guns.
skins != customization
I’ve been critical of a lot of DT, but I really don’t get the criticism about toughness coherency. Like at all.
The toughness system I really like over VT Temporary Health. Look at it this way by comparison: In DT you don’t loose THP (toughness) over time. You gain THP from melee kills in a similar manner except you don’t even need a skill for it. You have the OPTION to all regain it from coherency. The level 5 talents provide additional triggers for regaining THP. Basically, you have a lot more ways to play around with gaining THP.
I think the main problemi is the total absence of a base Toughness recovery rate.
That’s what they need to say.