Introduction to the Itemization Rework - Dev Blog

doesnt the mod just essentially enable assets that are already there? if so then they worked on it. put it in ultimately to just decide to turn it off for some reason.

Casual gamers are going to suffer so bad from this.
Whomever is in charge of Darktide in Fatshark absolutely hate players.


Big question. ARE any blessings being removed from the game?

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better not be. also looks like from the screenshots we cant have 2 t4 perks and 2 t4 blessings on the same weapon to. just what everyone wants. grind to get back a weapon we lost for it to be an overall downgrade. such an amazing improvement.


I believe somewhere it said that they were raising the available blessings to 12 for every weapon. I’m not too sure if it was the spanish article or somewhere here on the forums. Maybe someone else has the source.

This raises even more questions imo. Will there be enough mastery to unlock absolutely everything or are mastery points limited? Will we have to reset our mastery with a material cost to redistribute? How will current blessings be rebalanced/changed if some weapons are getting 6-7 new blessings?


Finally logged back in to say this. I don’t even need perfect stats, but if workable high-power bases are as hard to come by as they are now, then this system isn’t going to be the re-launch of the game’s crafting it needs to be to revitalize it.

I’m sure I’m not the only one with a ton of friends who played for a bit at launch and quit, and have been waiting on this game to 1.) have the necessary content to sustain interest and 2.) to have the crafting fixed. But If I can’t look them dead in the eyes and say “Yeah, it has lots of content and they totally fixed the crafting system,” they will never play the game again. Having pure RNG as the gate to usable crafting bases is such a huge issue that I could not, in earnest, say that a system that contains such an issue is “fixed.”


All that sounds really nice especially about the lock finally getting away, but there’s still one grey area and it’s the loot. @FatsharkStrawHat Will the loot still work the same? With the 1 hour shop rotation and brunt profane weapons, the reward at the end of a mission? And what about Melk shop too? Will he work the same or all the shop system will be tweaked/reworked too?


If the article is anything to go by, it was outdated, they’re going to add a bunch so there’s 12 per weapon. Probably a lot of balancing. Some blessings don’t work or suck pretty bad. So I wouldn’t be surprised if some are changed quite heavily.

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I’m at like 700 hours and have got the last reward. The update added a bunch of new penances that most players with a lot of playtime would have a decent amount of them done but they weren’t retroactive so your playtime doesn’t really have any relevance to how long it would take a new player.

That sounds good on the surface, but still worried.

Ending up with 12 isn’t the same thing as keeping the ones that exist now. IE, We could end up with 12 variations on ‘more power when’ and no special modifiers.

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pls get rid of the 80% stat cap thing. its so dumb and unnecessary. pls change to if you have a fully maxed out damage stat for example, it shows as 100%. kthxbai


If they leave it in after this crafting rework I can only think it means reds are still coming.

Holy ****… only someone at Fatshark could sell a Progression Reset and a “reworked” itemization that is basically the same ****ing thing all over again… and think it’s a good idea.

Actually, it’s even worse now… Since right now you can actually get a decent weapon from the shop or from Melk, tweak it a bit and be done with it. Since Godrolls were only useful/needed pre-Patch 13, now they’re a waste of time.

It’s mostly people tricked by using Brute to get a “god roll” who are truly miserable at the moment… since brute isn’t a crafting base. He is suppose to be a “test a weapon, see if you like it, than buy it from Melk with good stats/blessings”.

This new system is making all of us forced to use Brute’s bull****, so now you’re basically ****** from the get-go. and you gotta grind to get to the fun. So it’s once again a system designed to make you miserable so you’ll be sad and go splurge in the cosmetic shop to become happy.

so once again… you’ve spent countless hours, weeks, months on this new system… where basically all you had to do was remove the locks from the current system and it would’ve been just fine and everyone would be happy… and you could’ve instead spent that time making ACTUAL content. Like a ton of more maps, procedural generated mission/maps, so we’re not just time-looping the same **** over and over again and never ever actually experiencing this “live service” game. More classes, more weapons, new enemies and new challenges. and most importantly, an ever evolving story and event system that keeps the narrative moving forward on a constant basis… you know… like what a live service is suppose to be… it’s not suppose to be a time loop with sporadic patches.

Your time-management and decision making is baffling but not surprising anymore, since it’s always the same. Wasting time on **** that isn’t necessary and re-inventing the same thing all over again.


Not a big fan of mastery systems, but as long as we can boost the progression by paying with materials and/or scrapping weapons of that family I think I’m fine with it, BUT

Wasn’t quality the color (grey, green, blue, purple, orange)? Does that mean we are not able to craft orange weapons of a weapon family with a low mastery level? Do we have to grind the mastery of that weapon family to a certain level first? I would not like that.

More information about that “potential” and expertise system and how it affects the weapons we allready have would be nice.

for me this reads as we get enough mastery XP/points from the conversion to spend to unlock all the blessings we had before, but you could also spend that points on other blessings that you didn’t have before.
That would mean if you have a useless T4 blessing now you can spend the points you get for it from the conversion for a new, more usefull blessing at T4.
So you have the chance (100%) to get the same blessings that you had before, but you don’t have to take the same (=not take that chance) and get other blessings instead.
If we would get less points than needed (as most here seem to think) this “chance” would be 0, so no chance at all. Maybe bad wording here? would not be the first time.

What about the other parts of itemization? Will there be changes to the shops (brunt/melk) and gifts?

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They have to introduce reds with it. If it takes another 6 months to release reds it’ll leave a really sour aftertaste.

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@FatsharkStrawHat I forgot to add another question to my last post. Will the mastery of weapons will be account wide? Or are we gonna need to level up the mastery of weapons for each character? I’m talking in the case of shared weapons between classes like combat axes for exemple.


@FatsharkStrawHat Another scenario which I hope is going to be considered when transferring players gear and progress to the new itemisation system.

PLEASE consider blessings which players own on a weapon towards the mastery transition.
An example below. This is a perfectly fine weapon, with 2 blessings I don’t have in my blessing blueprint book. I don’t want to dismantle multiple perfectly fine weapons before the patch drops just to get the points towards the mastery.


You cant say No for sure, Right now each class has to build up the blessing system from scratch each time, so if they had a level 800 pysker, they swap to vet and the shared weapons that are usable on both classes, is back at ‘level zero’ on their vet because right now its class specific, really curious if they will make the mastery progress account wide instead of class specific right now

This is the biggest question right here, they didnt mention that once, which makes me sadly think it wont become account wide, and youll have to grind up the xp on the same weapon family up to 3 times because they want to force “player retention”

i did the math higher up. its almost 400hrs of total grind tim to max all families on all char if its not shared. over 200hrs still if it is shared. some people dont even have that time in TOTAL on the game. and they expect us to do that for just weapons for new players and old players to DO IT AGAIN. u already have to unlock weapons and types leveling your characters to even buy them from the shop. making u do it another time just for weapons is beyond stupid. “respecting the players time” is an outright lie.