I’ve been playing a bit of Hunt: Showdown (really cool game btw), and they have weekly “chores” you can do to gain premium currency. They’re a bit annoying because they require very specific actions (some of which definitely run counter to actually playing effectively), but I like them (as I imagine many players do). And I don’t see the problem with premium currency being earnable on a time-limited basis.
Assuming aquilas are on the line, there’s no need to play every week if you don’t want to snag a few aquilas that week. Even if you skip 5 weeks and drop from 40 to 35, you can just jump straight back up to 40 when you come back.
And I don’t really share the toxicity concerns either. We’re still playing normal missions, everyone doing their best (and not weird counterintuitive things, like for some penances or the Hunt “chores” I mentioned above). The stakes are low. Even if you fail your own Havoc mission 3 times, you can still maintain/advance level by playing with others.
I really really hope aquilas are the weekly award here. To me, it makes perfect sense. People will push their skill, deepening their understanding of and ability in the game. Some people (like me) will be interested in helping other players level up to get something of value. More regular groups are likely to form with those players who are socially inclined. And only one mission a week is required (and it kinda sounds like it might not even need to be a win) to snag some reward for that week.
FS gets more engagement, but doesn’t need people grinding endlessly on the servers. And players get a (metered) taste of those sweet sweet aquilas, almost definitely spurring more cosmetic sales.
@FatsharkStrawHat I hope this as well too, and I hope this feedback can be forwarded to the devs as well.
being able to earn aquilas through the game, in the specific with this mode could be an interesting approach. It will be a win-win between players and company.
Players getting aquilas by playing, while also perhaps buying the remaining ones on the Premium Store to buy skins to support the company. e.g. If I had some aquilas I earned in-game, I’d be more keen to buy aquilas afterwards in the store.
I feel like aquilas should be considered to be an earnable currency, at least in the future.
many live service games do this already, dead by daylight, rainbow six siege, Hunt: Showdown as mentioned by Badwin, etc. I feel like it will make the game even more better and will reward dedicated players by playing a lot, which also will def help with the lifespan of the game. when players have something to look forward, they will play.
so you earn “free aquilas” but also the same time by “paying”. then it isn’t free.
logic seems to be a bit flawed lol. at that point you can buy the currency in the store directly, which would be a better deal, since i doubt people would carry dead weights and prob if anything would ask for more lol… but i doubt anyone would do that stuff, they would play with their fellas. why not playing seriously with others and getting aquilas just by playing?
then it would be free in the real sense.
digital currency being obtainable in-game it is nothing crazy by the way, and it does happen in many other live service games. yes it is hard to believe, but it is a thing. and it should happen in darktide as well.
If people are actually into it for the challenge and are having to form their own groups, why are they bringing all the stuff they don’t like?
On another note, one of the other issues the game has is that things scale…weirdly. A lot of player power scales with the volume of enemies the game throws at them. The game just doesn’t throw enough stuff at players at normal Heresy to make Plasma Guns or CDR nodes feel as powerful as they do in HISTG Damnation for instance. If difficulty is built around something other than just adding enemies, we may see the utility of things change.
the overall idea of the harder game mode is cool, but man this entire surrounding system around it, with ranks, decay, no quickplay, completely makes me uninterested in engaging with it, seems completely overcomplicated and unecessary, especially since it’s its own separate game mode. I have a life, I’m busy, having to “maintain” my rank is pretty garbo and I probably will just not play it at all.
Its pretty clear that the decay mechanic is completely loathed by the playerbase. I have yet to see a single nice thing said about it. I think we would all appreciate it if these player retention designs were less in our face about it. I don’t want to play hard for a while and come back a few months later to see all my progress is reset. That’d honestly be pretty lame.
I love the leaver / alt + f4 fixes! Addressing the exploit, and Havoc’s unique needs, without ruining regular quickplay with overzealous penalties.
For Havoc it seems clear & interesting, I just really hope it ends up being accessible enough to us pub gamers. My ADHD and past games have taught me that I’m really, seriously not fond of long wait times and jumping through hoops like 3:rd party software (Discord) & extended socializing just to get a simple game going. But so far it sounds good!
In this case it’s about more than just that. With the extreme challenge, future modifiers and a far more strict “matchmaking”, I think it’s completely fair to expect a bare minimum participation.
You wouldn’t be able to play on the same level after a 3 month break, especially when there’s new stuff you haven’t even experienced yet. If there was no decay, ranks themselves would have little value and it would be unfair towards the active players to be expected to carry people returning from such a long break. And if everyone could just push as high as they can go only to then sit on it and reap the rewards, how would other players even find any groups to play with?
The issue isn’t the decay mechanic itself, it makes perfect sense for the community. What can be an issue is if the decay mechanic is too aggressive. But that remains to be seen.
The more I read the description, the less desire to basically pre-process after the patch to go in.
By the way interesting question, and if a person is excluded from the match Havoc - what about his attempt? This question something did not see, very interesting to see the answer.
Hey, SilverJack! Great question. I can see how that reads a bit confusing.
This is incorrect. If you reach Clearance Level 35 on your first week, and you don’t play on week 2 at all, then on week 3, your Assignment Level (the mission you can play at the time) will be 34 because it will go down (1) level. But your Clearance Level (the highest you’ve achieved in the game mode) will remain Level 35.
“We want people to keep working for the weekly reward chests instead of sitting on their laurels and disengaging from the mode after reaching a high rank” seems the obvious rationale to me.
Naa, it would have sufficed to give no weekly reward if no Havoc content was engaged, or to tie the “quality” of the weekly reward to the highest completed that week.