greetings. all the ingame sound has gone very low since the latest patch. every other game i have is fine. ive been into v2’s audio settings and everythings on 100% or full. its only v2 where this is happening. any ideas please? cheers
Please check out the solutions listed here.
hello and thanks for reply. i have done all the suggested solutions and the ingame sound remains the same. i can hear it but it is all very low. as i say,this is the only game on my pc that is doing this. any further suggestions would be appreciated. cheers
I noticed this last night. For me what seemed to happen was the longer I played the quieter it got.
Was going to reboot game and check but I ended up falling asleep at my desk. Will check it out again tonight when I get home.
Is it consistently low, or does it only happen during certain events (such as during a horde)?
it was consistently low. but i found what was wrong in my case. the sound mixer on my speaker settings was down to nearly 10%! im on w10. i think it set itself low either after a windows patch or after the latest game patch. its all back to normal and i can hear the rats a’coming! thanks for he help.
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