I'd like some more hit indicators so I made some examples

I’m having some issues with the current hit indicators in the game. In a vacuum they are fine but once in actual gameplay it falls apart, which is particularly annoying when it comes to penances, blessings feats etc. that requires certain hits or kills. I created some suggestions on how to separate the effects into different indicators that can be added together when several effects occur, like a weakspot critical hit kill for example.

I don’t think these should clutter up the aim, but if I’m wrong they could still be tweaked for a more clean look.

That the feedback for crits is sound based only is problematic not only because it makes it harder to distinguish the sound cues for incoming melee attacks as well as some monster spawns but it’s also an accessibility issue for players who has trouble hearing. Speaking of it would be nice with some visual cues for said sound cues as well, but I digress.


I agree with this.

I also think that hit markers need to be more reliable in general. I’ve had many occasions where I’ll shoot and get a hit marker, but deal no damage, or I’ll get no hit marker, and instantly kill the target. Sometimes, I get weird half-markers that only pop up for a split second before instantly disappearing, rather than the smooth fade of most, and I have no idea what that could possibly mean.


I’ve had similar experiences sometimes, but I assumed it was some kind of connection issue or data loss between me and the server. Just my guess though.