I think they changed something

I really like the added difficulty from the increased spawns (especially in certain events).
However, since the spawns got increased, it has becone very obvious that many players really seem to struggle with doing anything else (like walking) while enemies are around. I hope those players adjust quickly, or go back to lower difficulties, although i doubt that.

Yesteday, i ran a round of mercantile and i had to wait for about 2 minutes, until my teammates finally made their way downstairs and to the second wall breach.
Their minds were stunlocked by the constant presence of enemies and they just did not move forward.

People stopping to move forward, and mindlessly slapping away at infinitely spawning enemies, is probably the largest impact of the added difficulty.

In addition to that, some people (including myself) seem to get a bunch of error 2014 since the update, so that also doesn‘t help. Repeatedly getting booted back to character select mid fight, is not the greatest for the party who is now down at least 1 player.