Is the commodre's rotation timer broken again?

Should have rotated about an hour ago, and still there’s nothing new. Did you guys brake the rotation timer again? Is it because of the Krieg and Rogue Trader cosmetics that got put in last week? Will it still rotate today/tomorrow?

Don’t stress about it. It would’ve been overpriced recolors anyway.


See? We barely had 4 pages for 1 week and people already want their old 3 page rotation back.

FS were right all along.
More than 3 pages are just confusing.



yeah, when you don’t communicate what to expect confusion happens.

We had the rotation on the 3 pages
→ 1 week later the 4th page added with 2 old sets
→ 1 week later ppl don’t know if the 4th page reset the rotation clock, or if it is supposed to be rotating + have 4th event page while the event lasts

EDIT: btw there was a hotfix half an hour ago, which usually predates the next rotation … so again who knows

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This might be one of the most egregious and lazy batches I’ve seen in a while:


That whole set is a reskin. The helmet was in rotation a long time ago. The Vox-Caster is just another tint shift.


This one is egregious. Not only is the set a reskin, but it’s a damn near identical reskin. I mean there is almost no difference at all here. Same goes for the separate rebreather. The Shrift Band is new, but horribly overpriced.


This is the 3rd tint shift of that set. 3rd variant of weird wing helmet and a slightly different bubble head helmet. Knife is the only thing that’s really new and it too is overpriced.


That outfit is new but basic and it’s original full price is still 2400 aquilas. The goggles are another tint shift. The implants are new and overpriced. And the most egregious one is that ripper skin. It is almost identical to the basic red skin you can buy at the commissary. I mean come the actual f*ck on, what the hell is this?

This really is next level f*ckery.


They’re all based off the board game minis.


Psyker brass bowl hat is a recolor of the winter set they had. They do have a GSC mask though.

And its funny that this reskin of the Diadem, with a gold halo, costs 500 aquillas less than the other one. Uh hello big fish? Pretty sure you meant to hike this one like you did the gimp hat.

I’m aware of this but how many times do they feel it is reasonable to release the same mesh with a slightly different tint or a new camo for dubious amounts of money before it crosses some line? That’s a rhetorical question, because evidently the answer is; a lot of times.


Erbody got bad decision making skills.
Prolly why we bought this game.

[Warning. This comment contains a joke.]

I just cant justify spending money on cosmetics in this game. I would urge anyone not to give them money for cosmetics and it might bite them enough to actually do something about it.

Recolours should not cost money. Its disgusting.


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