I think there is a mistake about schedulled streams for the aniversary

In the website for aniversary: https://www.vermintide.com/news/2-year-anniversary

Fatshark Stream Schedule 6th of March

1:00 PM: Making trailers in Vermintide 2 with Tim.

2:00 PM: The Curse of Drachenfels with Level Designer Fredric.

3:00 PM: Let’s Play with Tim & Pontus.

First, please clarify the timezone of your own stream. I realise it’s CET, but some people might be confused. Just add: Fatshark Stream Schedule 6th of March CET

Second on the streamer table: Fuplaayz starting stream is 12 AM to 4 PM… To clarify in AM time 12 AM is midnight… so will he stream 16h straight?! Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I think this was a slight oversight and people again might be confused

Yeah especially that they give contradicting information
But I see they already fixed it :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s the thing.
Their stream schedule is CET according to their stream page.
Then streamers is PST, and 12:AM is midnight…
Again, even on PST midnight to 4pm is 16h not 4… I doubt Fuplaayz (another mistake in the table Fuplays) is gonna stream 5 days 16h straight… between 4 to 8 is what he does… From 9/10 PM CET to 2/3 AM CET I believe (bit too late for me to watch when he finishes) Which translates to 12/1 PM PST to 5/6 PM PST.
The thing is PM is past morning and midday is no longer morning… That’s how it works.

Am I missing something :thinking:

24h clock masterrace :slight_smile: