I just spend 32 minutes just to get "+5% toughness" Perk

And i did it TWICE!

I could use “+4% toughness” but i didn’t want some little +4
I was in need in +5 chad!
That is all i wanna say for today! Se ya guys!

Praise the Omnissiah!


now upgrade it two times and get +experience and +ordo dockets blessing

enjoy quality rng game design Fatshark TM


UPDATE! I did it 3 TIMES!

Now i have 61% more toughness! YAY
And i spent only… 41 minute!

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and still get it zeroed down in 1 second of 1 ranged burst


Now go ahead and ruin them with consecration !

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lmao exactly this. Was going to say the same.

Personally I think they should just give you a list of all perks and let you choose once the cost has been reduced to zero.
Because Fatshark should know damn well that if it costs ZERO to reroll a perk we are bloody well going to reroll until we get what we want.


Or, even better, just let us pay the full price and choose what we want without going through the RNG to get to zero cost.
Simply remove RNG from crafting. It’s a terrible design choice.


Yeah, the RnG systems don’t add anything to the game but a massive amount of frustration.

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Agree. This is common consensus. Let’s see how Fatshark reacts…

… probably by implenenting another hilarious RNG mechanic to get 400 base power weapons to render our 370+ (which are super rare and hard to get by) useless in the long run.


I can hear this image.

did no one notice the voice line that can pop up after redoing a perk

“thanks for wasting my time”

or something along those lines

Imagine how nice it would be to just craft the gear you actually wanted.

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Damn man, Shoulda done vitality.

Update! I did it in 1 MINUTE wow!
Wake up this morning and got “+16% toughness” in the shop. And yeah - i had to get it!
It took me 8 “Refine” actions to get. Never saw that coming!
Also - i did upgrade one relic and it was fairly nice

Fairly nice? Don’t think so, you got screwed by Fatshark RNG Game design.

If you keep playing, you’ll bath in curios anyway. You don’t need them as rewards from emperors gifts.
Stamina regen is worse in comparison to plain health boost or damage reduction against gunners.

Sorry for your loss.