How to fix Contracts

Currently, doing contracts are super frustrating. Here are some suggestions to make it better. These are just simple numerical/variable changes that could be implemented by a single coder given a minute.

  1. Change “No player (Whole team) death” into “No death (personal)”. Reduce “No death” condition from 1,3,6 to 1,2,4.

Do I need to explain? Why does this contract depend on other people’s performance?
Every time, there is some idiot who dies on their own, even on god dam sedation. Unless you give us to que up as solo player, remove this immediately.

It’s also just too many god dam times.

  1. Remove “melee kills” or “Range kills” entirely. And Remove “Scabs” or “Dreg” dependency. Just change these into “Elite kills (50, 100, 200)” or “Special kills (25, 50, 100)”

Why do the team incentivised to compete for kills for their given method? Also, if you get melee kills as psyker or range kills as zealot, it’s frustrating.

Furthermore, even on higher difficulties, there is always going to be Scab dominated or Dreg dominated. Why are contracts so map dependent? Get rid of these.

  1. Book contracts - reduce amount to 3, 6, 12. Also change grimoires to be counted for 3 scripture equivalent, or at least 2. Furthermore, make it so that all maps has scriptures and grimoires in them.

Also no need for explanation I think. There is no current incentive to get grimoires at all at the moment. At least if they counted for multiple of scriptures for book contracts, it might have a reason. While we are here, buff the reward for grimoires in general. They are never worth it in Dark tide.

  1. Change mission complete from 8 maximum to 6 maximum.

These also take god dam long. If we have to do them for all characters, I’d rather change these contracts or just try speed run sedation. However, since we can’t solo que in Dark tide, please reduce the amount for these.

  1. Cap maximum ordo docket cost for changing contracts.

I think the general problem is they’re both long and often force you to play a certain way. Kill X scabs? Well, alright, that’s not so bad even if it might be a pretty large number that’s clearly there to pad playtime. Pity it’s either melee or ranged, so if you’re a zealot that’s entire design philosophy is “wade in and kill” and get the ranged task you may as well get rerolling.
“Collect 12 grimoirs or tomes”? Oh, great, so you have to hunt down very specific missions for their secondary objective.

It would be so much better for players if the weeklies were simple things like kill X enemies, complete Y Raid/Interrogation/whatever missions, ect.
I wish they were more like Warframe’s, which are less about “Play the game X way” and more “Play the game, ideally well.” You can argue they can be an incentive to get players to try a new playstyle, yes, however back to ‘kill 1000 with ranged/melee’ there is ‘trying’ and ‘for gods sake this is just grind’.


Yep, agree with your points there.

I’ll also add in the “no death run” contracts, since it punishes you for having bad team-mates, or stupid bots that gets blasted off by a barrel, or don’t dodge overheads.

keeping your team standing is part of your job. it’s literally basic co-op. just keep an eye on them and make sure they don’t get overwhelmed if you get a scrub. it’s not hard…

Remove the reroll cost entirely and have us select our contracts like we do with perks. Not a fan of having to burn HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dockets every week, per character, to get my contracts into a state that isn’t a tiresome slog to complete.

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