How Is Veteran Survivalist Aura Performing Post-Nerf?

I really should record a game some time and actually count procs to get a better feel but seems to me it’s pretty in line as an aura boost. It’s a nice general ammo extender for your team, letting you all (assuming coherency with at least one other person is maintained for a decent amount of the mission) need fewer ammo pickups to avoid running dry.

I definitely feel it combo’d with shock trooper to really stretch the ammo pool to the max, otherwise it’s a nice bonus but not build defining, but few auras are.


Well, there’s a lot of ammos not picked in missions… so the ammo management, even without survivalist, has never been a problem… except when you meet someone that go full auto with a bolter.

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Ammo and resource (healing/stims/crates) management in general is not a problem if the team knows what’s what. The problem is that most pubs don’t and you know it.


I agree about this.
I would add that the problem is also that players did not configure a key to open chests and pick ammos (joke inside)

i still include survivalist on my builds, even if its just as not having it, just because i can’t afford the extra perk point to avoid it, i got a gunlugger ogryn complaining that i wasn’t keeping in cohesion with him, he was deep in the placebo since it wasn’t doing much for high ammo count weapons before, and does next to nothing now on low ammo count weapons aswell.

overrated before, worthless tax point now.

i think auras should be get back at being imbedded in the class, and not cost valuable perk points, but maybe its just me that couldn’t get over what they did in patch 13.

completely ruined the game as far as i’m concerned

i find idiotic that the stupid overpowered nodes looks like this


and the garbage tax nodes looks like this

big and gold should mean important

blue and small should mean unimportant

but one completely enhances the physics of your grey submachine guns bullets abeling you to delete crusher hordes with 0 build crafting

the other does nothing

I will add somewhat of an addendum to my previous comment.

While I do think it’s basically fine and in line with general aura power, I do still think the current cooldown is a touch egregious. Like 2-3 seconds would still achieve what I assume is its main reason to exist, ie stopping high cleave ranged weapons getting crazy ammo efficiency shooting into dense elite groups. At the current cooldown you can sometimes chain kill a lot of elites/specials and get a single proc from it.

I hated the nerf and I hate it still now

It penalizes too much certain Veteran weapons/playstyles

I do agree that most auras are pretty mediocre and it’s surprising they’re so weak when coherency is a core feature of this game.

The takeaway I’m getting from a lot of posts is that a lot of people like the auras that do more than increase stats. Interesting stuff like Survivalist, Beacon of Purity, or Loner, where they affect your playstyle or have a visible effect (even if Loner is pretty antithetical to the design of many systems).

There is such a massive problem with people not opening crates and trying to run as fast as they can through missions since the last update that i wont ever take survivalist off my builds. People are constantly low ammo in my games and part of that is people apparently no longer caring about resources and in turn just not opening crates for any reason. That and the fact that 5% damage and 5% move speed arent nearly as impactful as more ammo and in turn more damage with a range weapon. I guess people forgot that if you dont open crates tou cant find ammo crates or stims. Ive tet to understand why people are so keen on flying through missions because I dont care about money just as much as I dont care about money just as much as I dont need resources but it doesnt stop me for constantly picking up shared resources and hunting for med crates and stims to use. Its hilarious to me that people want to run past all the crates while simultaneously running out of ammo throughout the missions and I cant help them cuz i always have a med crate on me. It also shouldnt be a problem for as many people as it is cuz many weapons are rather ammo efficienct like the plasma gun, braced autogun, and the columnus.

Only builds I’ve ever used it on are Executioner stand builds, and even then only one (Autogun Executioners, Lasguns got the free ammo from crits pip which at this point equal out to be about the same ammo conservation), because the skill requires the use of a range weapon, so I’d rather not be like the unfortunate Ogryn who’s gun goes ‘click’ and then has absolutely no avenue to get back to playing the game/using their active again.

But like, 99% of my vet builds don’t use it primarily due to placement, the talents both before and after it are whatever, verses going straight down the middle, getting grenade buff and grenade resupply, and sure 5% damage isn’t the most impactful but it’s better than nothing. You can get a lot more things going with that, or going to full melee route and grabbing the move speed with Agile Engagement for back and forth clean up gameplay, but that entire left side of the tree before the active is just so bad that I can’t ever see warranting it’s use outside literally just enabling an active.

As you say, if you’re not dumping your guns into the wave, all the way up through Auric you’ll be fine on ammo if you actually look for it. About the only other build I can see using it on is a Braced Auto build given those are build to spray into the wave, but even with those I don’t tend to take it as when the heck am I procing ‘catch your breath’ when the entire point of my weapon is to be close to the enemy? So I just accept that sometimes the emperor wishes me to beat things with my shovel, and at most will use the points I saved to grab upgraded ammo/med packs to make up the difference.