Hotfix #55 (1.6.2) is currently being rolled out across our platforms and it should be out everywhere in an hour. You can read the notes below!
Audio Fixes
Fixed an issue that caused audio stutter and performance degradation when using virtual surround functionality on Xbox and PC (e.g. the audio crackling).
Merged fixes for the audio stutter and stall issues that were first introduced in the “Path of Redemption” update. These were made much worse recently with the issue introduced in 1.6.1. These specific fixes were the ones we tested on the experimental branch on Steam.
Fixed priorities for file reader queues, meaning audio will have higher priority than other file reads.
[Audio System] Removed code for cancelling a read request since it could stall/deadlock for some users.
[Audio System] Made “open” and “cancel” async so the audio thread is NOT blocked if open is slow.
Improved reporting of stalls.
Proper initialization of BypassIO support for direct storage. We are now checking properly for Win11, NVMe and NTFS in order to support it.
Deadlock detection for all platforms (Previously only active on PC).
General Fixes
Fixed an issue where the “Purging Flame” Penance didn’t increment correctly.
New items marker now properly shows in the inventory for emotes.
Fixed a crash which could occur when a cosmetics vendor UI got forcibly closed (e.g. while browsing cosmetics in the Commissary asa mission was about to start).
Fixed an issue where the Penance icons for the Dark Communion mission used a fallback icon.
Fixed an issue where the Heat UI indicator for the Munitorum Mk X Relic Blade remained displayed also when the weapon was not wielded.
Fixed an issue where some visual effects were missing for the Munitorum Mk II Relic Blade.
Fixed an issue where the Munitorum Mk II Relic Blade had an incorrect chain-timing from Block to Special activate/deactivate. Chain-time has now been changed from 0.68 to 0.35.
Fixed an issue where the Munitorum Mk II Relic Blade played the incorrect Special activate animation when activating the weapon after performing a Push follow-up attack.
Fixed an issue where equipping the Munitorum Mk X Relic Blade or Munitorum Mk II Relic Blade in the Inventory applied an offset on other weapon animations when switching between weapons and loadouts.
Havoc Fixes
Players on the Mourningstar that are stuck with an ongoing Havoc mission can now cancel it from the Havoc terminal, at the expense of a deployment charge.
If a player cancels an ongoing Havoc deployment and no more deployments remain, the player will get demoted One Assignment Rank and get a new assignment.
Dev Note: Cancelling a Havoc deployment will provide a refund of the charge used to start the Assignment if it’s done in the first 60 seconds of attempting to start a mission. Afterwards, a player will not receive a refund for the charge spent.
Players can demote an Assignment Rank to get a new Assignment that is one rank lower.
Havoc mission participants now appear on the Havoc menu when a player starts a mission session. No participants outside of that list can be in the party for the mission to take place.
Updated the “Cry Havoc!” event text to fully match properly across all languages.
Fixed remaining overlapping text in multiple languages in the Havoc menu.
Unobtained Havoc cosmetic items will now show up in the corresponding list in the Cosmetics menu.
Cosmetic Fixes
Fixed the Veteran “Lucius Mk IV Death’s Head with a Skull Mask (Krieg 143rd).” headgear cosmetic being incorrectly assigned another name.
Fixed an issue where the cosmetic item rewards from an event would not show up in the Inventory until after logging out and back in again.
Update on Incorrect Note from Grim Protocols (11 December)
The previous Hotfix (1.5.11) pulled three missions from the mission board (Chasm Station HL-16-11, Magistrati Oubliette TM8-707 and Excise Vault Spireside-13). They have all been re-introduced into the rotation today, December 3rd.
CORRECTION: Chasm Station and Magistrati have been re-introduced to the game but Excise Vault is still being addressed and it has not been re-introduced.
Glad to see a good hot fix! I can see that the coding can be crazy sometimes
Warhammer 40,000 is so vast I cannot escape the thoughts of how much it takes to code a game like Darktide. Thank you for creating this
no button to reconnect to the mission while the havoc mission is still ongoing
no havoc quickplay
no information on all hidden modifiers that apply to a mission
So in others words, more punishment for the host. As the only one that takes a risk is the host. And then the hosted will be able to leave without any penalty while the host will have a problem.
At least, auto cancel the mission if someone leaves (or crash) when starting it.
At long term… please consider what needs to be fixed/enhanced:
Oh… I feel that I have to say it.
When will you put a bit of cleave for the ashlys combat axe? I don’t ask a great cleave, just the rashad combat axe cleave.
Please god fix Ogryn fence vaulting already. It’s been over a year. You care enough to nerf the class so please fix fundamental game mechanics for it, too
any chance the new heat management system for the Zealots new 2h power sword going to become the default for the other power weapons like the Veterans 1h power sword and the Thunder hammer?
and is the stupid good for nothing activation animations for the thunder hammer, 1h power sword and chainsaw weapons ever going to get deleted? because all it takes to activate them is pressing a button or pulling a trigger throttle it does not require a too stupid to exist ritual to work in CANNON. seriously every time I use these weapons or draw the bolter or flamer, I think these rejects are too stupid and mentally challenged to even complete the simplest mission let alone survive long enough to get arrested to be put into this situation.
So…the great fixes that were likely due after x-mas fur audio and DS got in, excellent.
But in the last 2 months nobody could sneak in some Lua 1 liners to fix the Power Sword activation bug as they did for the chain and force weapons a month ago?
Notice what’s still missing?
they actually did this last week, so the smart move would have been to say nothing and pretend it never happened. or just put it in the store next week in a slightly different shade of metal (or just change the name again like that knife skin). however my selective bergtism over trench warfare means I must point out its still wrongly named @FatsharkStrawHat . Its the officer’s helmet (Mk III) on this cosmetic.
also for real like what in the actual heck is going on with this. this is starting to be like me yelling that ogryn couldn’t get melee headshots for a year into the void.
IDK WTH is going on either but it’s baffling and infuriating. Again, someone was in the weapon templates for the 2 handed power swords (relic) tweaking stuff, they were sooo close to the other two 1h power swords and other power weapons.
Surely the bug report(s) is on the list? There were ample opportunities to deploy the fix since the bug got caught. I’m at a loss here…
Can we possibly do something about the fact that none of the Krieg cosmetics actually look like Death Korps of Krieg models or art?
Plenty of other issues persist: Masks without hoses, oversized chest rebreathers that clip into arms and held weapons, Masks modeled after cold war Eastern Block gas masks instead of actual Forgeworld art, web gear that is both not the correct Y-straps but also is just terribly modeled and looks awkward laying on the characters back, coats that are far too short, Grenadier skull-mask overlays that don’t actually pair with the proper Grenadier helmet, etc ad nausuem?
These “premium” cosmetics, that get slapped with an additional price hike, reek of cheap outsourced Chinesium, where someone modeled a comic-con cosplay instead of referencing the actual models and art.
I swear to the emporor if I get on this game tonight and I crash at all for any reason I’m done with this game because 8 months is too long to crash every single day and at this point its exhausting trying to play your game.