Hello. I created an account just to request that toughness go back to blocking all damage

Having damage bleed through really doesn’t feel good. In fact, it was the number one reason why I was never able to get into the vermintide games. It really is a sour feeling to have a semipermanent penalty for every small mistake.

It is especially frustrating when you get to low health, and even though you have full toughness, you can still go down in a couple hits. Once you hit two hit points, it doesn’t even matter how much toughness you have. It feels really, really bad to be surviving at low health, keeping your toughness up to try to absorb damage, and still get taken out by one lucky shot.

Please consider reverting it, and if toughness is too strong, find another way to balance it. The way it is now is unintuitive and feels horrible. Thank you for reading.


Thank you for posting, everyone voicing their opinion on these topics is important for feedback