Helbore mk 1 does same damage as mk 2

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the mk 1 helbore even tho it says it does more damage on a charged shot does the same damage as the mk 2. bug?

Make sure you account for all weapon modifiers. Different marks of Hellbore may have different amounts of weapon penetration that isn’t accounted for in the base damage. Also, if you kill an enemy in one hit, it will only show that enemy’s Max HP in the health display.

I tested this with Mk.1 and Mk.2 Helbore lasgun on a Reaper. Top image is Mk.2, bottom image is Mk.1. Both weapons are generated with all 80% stats using debug tools.


As you can see, the Mk.1 does in fact do more damage.

Its on carapace armor where they weirdly have the same hit damage. Its the huge difference in sustained fire rate that buries the Mk1 here.

If not for the garbled sway Mk2 would totally dumpster Mk1 on the rest of the targets anyway as well. Unyielding is about the only situation it does better, but you will get more weakspot hits into bosses in a stagger or decent opportunity with Mk2. What were they thinking?

I actually checked on Carapace as well and the numbers were similar but not exactly the same. I’ll double-check it later but I swear they should have the same AP values…

To be clear, I’m not dismissing you. My testing clearly wasn’t thorough enough.

yes one would think mk 1 would perform better against carapace armored enemies but its kinda the same as mk 2. its weird. maybe they just want people use mk 3 for big guys if only the majonet wasnt so trash