Heavy sword light attacks dont match the idea behind the weapon

Slow them down, IMPROVE animation quality (atm it feels like you are hitting people with a wet sock) and make them hit harder to compensate for lower speed.

Whilst you at it, make all push attacks actually do something useful.


yeah in patch 14 they turbo buffed this weapon pretty decent but forgot push attack completely (brute 3 shovel suffered from this too but I think its a bigger deal on that weapon). it still has next to no hit mass and weak damage scaling, especially compared to the single target stabs other swords have.

but light attacks are kinda decent on a no deathblow loadout (so very off already but hear me out), stacking multiple forms of power with headtaker/rampage/martyrdom you can hit a pretty wide range of enemies without suffering from flak like most swords do. its around 180 damage to the last enemy hit (#6) per swing, at a hilarious blender speed. heavy sword is underrated in my opinion, it actually has a couple fun builds in a microscopic blessing pool of 5 so its not even a sink to roll more. but that push attack is butt cheek, definitely.

I agree, but I think it won’t happen. Ideally this weapon should be totally different than a catachan sword.
While it doesn’t work on same area, in fact the 2 weapons are used in the same ways (but differ about blessings).

I have always think that heavy sword does not match their name.


Yeah, I dont want any more “buffs”, but the push attack should have a decent function… My main point is that heavy swords are just not that enjoyable to use, they feel not that well designed, satisfying to use, despite their power. Attacks, attack chains etc. are fairly boring and light attacks just feel totally meh.

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