Gunners switch to melee

Am I the only one who has noticed that gunners don’t care anymore that you’re in their face, they just keep gunning?

This makes it absurdly hard as a melee character to take them down because the barrage of bullets does not end even when axing one of their comrades in the face.

Oddly enough haven’t noticed this unless they are already locked.

A common tactic I use with my stealth zealot is using my ability to close the distance and lock up a firing line in melee. Generally if they see you approaching then they will just keep firing but otherwise they swap or try to pull Mack and increase distance.

They have always been like this. You need to learn which gunner rushes you can take and which you cannot. You need to stagger all of them or body block the ones you can’t. This is a skill. Only dreg gunners melee, scabs will kick and run.

I’m sorry but I don’t know the different names, I’m talking about the ones with the machineguns.

I’d be happy with kick and run, though, the problem is they stand there and keep machinegunning me down instead of running.

As an Ogryn I try and rush them to stop them from shooting, but they just take me down in a second as soon as I’m next to them, and then they keep shooting until I’m dead.

Scabs are the black armoured lasgun users.

Dregs are the yellow robes with the stubbers/machine guns.

Oh, then it’s the dregs, the ones with bullet machineguns.

From my experience, Gunners will engage melee, if you get to them before they start firing, but their melee aggro range seem far smaller than Shooters and Stalkers, and they have a slight delay in opening fire on you, so they might have already started to open fire on you when you rush in.

Then again best way to kill gunners is from afar, since they expose their heads completely whenever they shoot.

Yes, now though it seems they don’t care anymore. Once the machinegun’s going they are unreachable.

Right now I slided to reach one, hit him in the face, and he ran away so fast I could not keep up with him with my zealot with 45% sprint efficiency + the Swift Certainty talent for 10% speed.

Similar situation is with the captains, they occassionally refuse to switch to melee. I found that saying “Excuse me, sir. I’m currently bashing your face in. Do you mind to switch to your melee weapon?” helps.

Really? where is that on the com wheel? :stuck_out_tongue:

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