Grats on the 100k concurrent! A suggestion regarding that

Please, please just make the current double xp the standard rate going forward. So many players I see on forums talking about why they quit, frequently cite the grind to 30 as a primary factor. Seemingly it would help player retention (as well as your bottom line if more people hang around and buy DLC), if that grind were reduced, and players were encouraged to participate in the harder difficulties where the game is much more fun. I want this because it benefits me as a player to have more potential teammates in the community, but it also directly benefits you as a business.

I imagine this request is somewhat blind insofar as I assume you have analytics showing the best ways to squeeze cash out of your user base, but I simply have never understood why you put such a huge barrier between new players and their full talent trees. The gear hurdles I understand and somewhat support (though removing Champ Emps from the daily reward system was absolutely terrible), but the leveling has always seemed overly tedious and exhausting.

Please give this serious consideration, thanks.


Imagine back then when you had to level every single career and not only the character.

I personally think the leveling is fine, its indeed quite fast actually, i personally think the droprate of veteran items should be increased instead. so you can go for your builds faster.

I would say either keep the double xp or have a system of increased for follow up caracters. like if you are level 12 but have one caracter level 20 and one level 30 you get xp time three until you reach 20 then time two until lvl 30.

So if you play with friends you don’t hinder them all too long when you start a new carrier.

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Really awesome to see so many people play this wonderful game. The future looks good, or so I hope. :slight_smile:

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The grind is poorly paced which discourages players. After all the weapon types are unlocked there’s only 1 talent row every 5 levels to earn, which is a lot of grind with little carrot. This is also the bulk of the experience you need to grind, the back end 20 levels to cap.

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Back in the day, I was able to level everyone while speedrunning the elf over several hours. Even though I hate her guts, it was the fastest path to success, then my friend helped me in the same manner, before praying for forgiveness and never playing the elf again. Fortunately, Fatshark was able to ruin all our hopes and dreams by implementing boss walls shortly after, and killing speedrunning.

All that to say I don’t know if I could have gone through that for all the characters in the traditional sense, and it’s 100% why I didn’t play WoM at all. I’m more of a “do it once and never again” kind of player. I have reds for Kruber/Sienna and that’s good enough for me. I play a few maps a week, more on Friday night.