I refer to blast bombs as “Slayer ranged weapons” and equip the 25% bomb dupe trinket to go along with it.
I do feel like Slayer’s are missing something. Dual Axes are fantastic, but the damage of each of the individual axes makes both the 1h axe and 2h axe obsolete. (2h axe not being able to have backstabbery also makes me sad.) Each of the dual axes does roughly the same damage as both of the other axes.
This leaves them with only 2h hammer, 1h hammer, and war pick as secondary weapon options, and none of them feel good to me.
- 1h hammer has really narrow swing pattern, and paradoxically has substantially more stamina than the 2h hammer. The charged attack has a tiny hit range though, and it’s really easy to miss your target or fail to hit them in the head with it, because you have to be positioned just perfect.
- as noted above, 2h hammer has an extremely small stamina pool compared to what I would have expected for a 2handed weapon. Certainly doesn’t make sense how drastically much more stamina the 1h hammer has over it. As a 2h weapon, you need to push regularly in order to be able to use it safely.
- war pick suffers from not having received the swing speed buffs that it received in VT1, and continues to have the obnoxious move speed slowdown when you swing it. The weapon doesn’t do anywhere near enough damage for the vulnerability it imposes on you. It also has terrible stamina.
It also very much peeves me that 2h axe is just a terrible weapon in VT2. Both the single-target attack and the charged swing for it does only slightly more damage than each of the individual dual wield axes deal, and it’s slow as dirt. However, the Great Axe is iconic for the Slayer profession.
WFRP 1e Troll Slayer

WFRP 1e Giant Slayer

WFRP 2e Troll Slayer

WFRP 2e Giant Slayer

WFRP 2e Daemon Slayer

Fantasy Flight Games Trollslayer Expansion Pack
Daemon Slayer is the only Slayer that even includes dual wield of axes in the imagery. Specialist Weapon Group (Two-handed) is a staple skill for all of the careers. Trappings: Great Weapon is the only equipment entry for all 5 of those careers, even though Daemon Hunter is pictured dual wielding.
Yet in game? 2h axe just sucks. It swings slowly and inaccurately (just swing the light attack 3 times in a row, you have to change your angle every time in order to hit the head of the same target in front of you), has a bad push swing, single-target damage is poor, it can’t roll backstabbery anymore, it has bad stamina, and charged damage is similar to that of a 1h axe or individual dual axe yet takes significantly longer to occur. If it had cleave as a saving grace, 2h hammer does that better.
What’s the most common setup you see Slayer’s using in game? Dual Axes + 1h Hammer, for mobility. Where’s the great weapon? Why is the class that is the most iconic two-handed user in the history of Warhammer not incentivized to use a 2hander, and be rewarded for doing so?
The class features rewards multiple fast attacks due to the stacking buff. You know what that doesn’t reward? Slow weapons. War Pick is the only 2handed weapon that even comes close to being labeled as “high damage” and it’s so incredible slow and has such a negative impact on your ability to move that it’s an intentional handicap to equip it.
Slayer needs a class perk of “Deals double damage with 2handed weapons” or something similar.