Gamepass updates

Is there any ETA on the gamepass hotfixes? Still running the day one version.

I know there’s the certification process, but when can we expect to see the fixes?

I believe they submit a patch to Microsoft to get it certified for the game, wait to see if the patch passes/fails some kind of QC that Microsoft does, and then the patch gets pushed.

The fact Aqshy said “we try to pass every time” tells me they probably fail pretty often on the certification process lol.

Ugh, sounds like me talking to my mom about my tests back in the day.

Even the day one version was behind the day 1 release on steam, no detailed weapon stats kinda sucks.

Yeah, noticed that today, we have the cash shop but no weapon stats.

So we are several updates behind.

An answer by a CM would be most appreciated.

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You all are two patches behind. It’s not ideal, but we think we’ll hear back ultra soon and start getting you all up to speed.


I hope ultra soon is actually ultra soon.

Having Veteran be virtually unplayable for several days is hardly acceptable.

I wouldn’t think ultra soon in pre-order beta we were stuck on day one patch for the whole duration of Pre-order beta.

Well it’s obviously not ultra soon, since the first hotfix that we still don’t have was almost 4 days ago.

Honestly, I don’t think it was such a good idea to release on gamepass given the way fatshark manages patches.

They always do a big patch release, big patch release breaks half the game, then they fix it over a myriad of small hotfixes.

This system works for steam, as hotfixes are deployed almost in real time.

This system does not work AT ALL for a gamepass or console release, you are leaving people days (if not weeks) behind, with a half broken game.

Another day comes, another day without any hotfix on gamepass.

Let this thread be a reminder.

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“Very soon” as in “Microsoft has the patch and is testing it and it is just a matter of hours” or very soon as in “maybe this year or early next year”?

We’re aiming for a patch today.

Will this patch bring us to the same version steam is using? or is it the first hotfix?

EDIT: I’ll answer myself, it’s JUST the 1.0.12 hotfix, we are still missing an update.

This is beyond ridiculous.

Also, gamepass is redownloading the full game instead of a small hotfix.


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ahh. Reminds me of Ark Survival.
Here is a small Update - please let me basically unpack the whole game and eat 3 times the space i need for the time i update. Well you dont have 500gb free for a 100mb patch. guess it’s your problem.

Hear me out, I’m 100% sure the gamepass version before this hotfix was NOT the release version.

Launcher and “building shader cache” were orange, now they are blue, we did not have weapon stats, only bars, different EAC loading screen, settings getting reset to default upon update.

That’s why this “hotfix” was a 35gb download, because we downloaded the release version.

What we were playing was a pre-release beta with some tweaks, like the store.


might be true. i noticed that the game settings folder even changed from “DarkTide External” to “MicrosoftStore”

but we will never know

Can we expect 1.0.13 to drop today and finally have a working toughness system? Or is it going to be another 3 days?

Asking because the hotfixes released with around 24h of difference on steam, so I HOPE they were sent for certification with the same time difference.

EDIT: So the answer is no, no hotfix today.

Starting tomorrow, toughness, a basic mechanic of the game, will be broken for over a week on gamepass.