My idea for a new and interesting boss would be a chaos psyker, having primarily devastating ranged AOE attacks that are telegraphed (perhaps psyker players being able to “deny the witch” with their blitz ability, but drastically raising their own peril by doing so) but overall forcing the squad to be in a loose formation all the while fighting several waves of regular fodder enemies and some elites and then there would be a second phase where it’s the exact opposite: there’s a short sequence where the boss seems to have used too much of their psychic powers and they turn into a spawn of nurgle and then fight the squad very aggressively in melee
This would be cool, we need more types of boss fight missions.
Really seemed like they were experimenting with more involved kinds of boss fights with the VT Drachenfels maps and it’s just another disappointing thing about this game that none of that seems to have carried over to DT.
Tank please, i don’t want to kill just another dude, no matter what weapon and skill he have.
A death guard marine.
Change my mind.
A Dreg Sorcerer Assassination Mission could be great fun.
Like have 2 or 3 missions of it, one in Throneside, inside the church/cathedral but having it be showing early state of corruption, and one in Throneside, showing more signs of corruptions.
If it work like the Scab Captain, it would have 2 (or more) melee weapons, I’d say a Scythe and a Balesword (Plaguebearer sword), one as the quick weapon, and the other as a much slower, but corrupting weapon. With 2 or more Ranged choices, here taking spells from the different lores of Nurgle (40k, Fantasy or AoS) as inspiration or even the older Sorcerer Lore, like Sinistrum or Ectomancy.
As defensive mechanic I could see it either get invulnerability periods maybe given by Corruptor spawns (The eye stuff) or new ones
A Tank Lord could be fun too, but could become a different type of mission all together (Also hope we get an escort mission where you are next to an Allied tank)
yup a psyker could take some inspiration from the greyseer in DarkTide.
A chaos sentinelle could be a fun adversaries. With weakpoint to target at range, maybe some demolition charge to bring and place on its legs etc…
Sentinel would work quite well as a Monster rather than a Lord, would be quite unique with it being somewhat slow but having some good ranged capability. Could have the sas gate be blocked till it’s killed to prevent the player from fleeing
yes it would be a great monster too.
But to be fair I always thought that VT should recycle some of its basic bosses as monsters and I think DT could do the same. Having a version with less hp of the captain appear mid game as a sergent or something could be nice.
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