Foetid gorge bugged patrol spawn point

Issue Type (Required):

Chaos Wastes

Issue Description (Required):

Patrol trigger doesn’t trigger properly by approaching players (doesn’t matter if it’s host or client), the whole squad is instantly spawned after the whole team drops down the ledge OR after the host drops down the ledge. (if a patrol occurs of course) They spawn in view (in the very precious personal space of everyone most of the time that is) of everyone.

Sometimes they spawn just whenever the host drops the ledge, ignores clients (rare).

Problem with the branching path at that spot? The patrol spawns in the same location if the whole team decides to go the other way up and drops on the ledge. (There’s 2 ledges on the path where the spawn point is).

I’ve found only 2 clips I saved, this spot is bugged since chaos wastes rework. It is constant. There is incentive to go there as there is a boon/temper/upgrade spawn and pick-up locations around the patrol spawn point, so this is a very frequent occurence to be honest.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

All players drop down the ledge in front of the patrol spawn point.

Host drops down on the ledge leading to the patrol insta spawning in front of them.(rare)

Level Name (Optional):

[Chaos Wastes] The Foetid Gorge

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, but I haven’t tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

Player ID (Optional):

Profile info

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