Fire Frenzy not working properly on Infantry Autoguns

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

Fire Frenzy and Dumdum both say that they increase close range damage, but they don’t work alike at all.

Dumdum gains stacks from any range, but Fire Frenzy only from 7 meters. Isn’t anything 8 or below considered melee range? Isn’t close range supposed to start from 15 meters to down? Aren’t guns supposed to be used outside melee range? So my question to the developers is this, is the Fire Frenzy blessing working properly or is it bugged? Is close range now 8m or is it still 15m?

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. Go Psykhanium.
  2. Take an infantry autogun with the Fire Frenzy blessing.
  3. Killing enemies from 15 meters does not gain Fire Frenzy stacks, but from 7 meters you gain stacks.
  4. Close range is supposed to start at 15 meters and not at 7 meters.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

Player ID (Optional):

Gunner Teemo

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ALL close range blessings have been bugged at 8m for a couple of months now, since #13. Reported numerous times.

They all reference the same constant which was typo-ed to 8m instead of the 15 it should be.


Have the developers said anything about correcting this mistake? 8 meters is not good enough for a ranged weapon but 15 meters would be the perfect spot.

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They’ve ‘acknowledged’ the bug but apparently fixing a typo is immeasurably complex.


Jesus… Hopefully they can fix at least by early next year. I hope.

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AFAIK not a a peep other than marking the topics ACK, like this one.

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That sucks but let’s not lose hope just yet. If enough people talk about this issue, then the devs need to respond.

It’s been ~3 months w/ plenty of relative chatter I feel, no movement.
To not fix a single typo like this that affects so many weapons is just perplexing to me, it should have gone in on the very next hotfix after it was reported.


Meanwhile, in Darktide’s bug department:

“It’s just a typo, put it on the bottom of the list, we need to fix the fact that the Whatchamacallit Pattern XVIXMLIIIII helmet clips with this other atrocious cosmetic first. People pay for those you know!”

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I generally really appreciate the direction that the devs have taken the game in since patch 13 - the game has obviously gotten a lot better, and the gameplay is really fun.
I just wish there could be a more concerted effort to just fix the various bugs affecting weapons and blessings, as I suspect that many of these could be fixed relatively easily compared to other problems. Many of these bugs were introduced with patch 13 and have been allowed to remain for a long time. I am starting to avoid certain weapons and blessings altogether because of bugs, which is such a bummer for an otherwise great game.


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