Issue Type (Required):
Issue Description (Required):
Cutt throat Female placing charge voice line appears in captions, but no audio. This happens everytime, even when no one else is talking.
Also the female Cuttthroat has significantly less voice lines in the new update compared to other classes, could the audio be bugged in general for that voice?
Steps to Reproduce (Required):
- Misson loads as female Cutt throat Veteran.
- Place charge at the first(second and third wall included), captions appear.
- No audio from character happens, even though other characters have voicelines that active and speak.
This happens before and after when I installed mods.
Mission Name (Optional):
Mercantile HL-70-04
[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):
Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them
Reproduction Rate (Required):
Constant (100%)
Platform (Required):
PC - Steam