playing on the consignment yard HL 17-36, there is an audio bug in the part before the finale. as is evidenced in the video, when standing in a certain place, almost all audio from enemies is muted and the player cannot hear a poxburster, for example, approaching them.
Steps to Reproduce (Required):
play consignment yard HL 17-36 and stand in the same area in the video
You could try verifying files? I’ve heard of some people changing their audio bit rate in sound settings going lower or higher. I think somebody said like 32bit is the sweet spot. I tried at least guys…
i had this same issue but on the prison assassination level where i walked through an arch way and the sound cut out almost completely. but they fixed it and it now works as it should do in that particular spot. i dont have any other sounds issues and its always that part, and someone in my game that i played on this level, they said themselves that their audio seems to be broken for that section.