I think the mission board is decent since the auric update. I personally don’t feel the need to pick specific maps in public matches. It could use some tweaks, though, like the maelstrom modifiers being too bloated with junk no one likes, getting the same map multiple times in a row, etc. If it was player choice, likely we would see a Space Marine 2 situation where most players spam the same couple of maps and never play the other maps.
Rotate the conditions (by location) and allow choosing the mission and difficulty. If you don’t want to play a popular mission, choose a different one yourself and enable someone else using quickplay to quickplay into your mission.
Nice argument, I have 1360 Hours, and I know someone that knows Rodders so I am kind of a big deal and if you disagree with me you are WRONG!!! Anyway anyone who plays this game habitually, knows that so many of these basic things can, should, and are easy to add with some work. Yes PLAYABLE IS A LOW BAR, and yes is some piece of junk that has a few rigged models and an environment playable, yes but c’mon man. I am not saying Darktide is some completely unplayable hunk of junk, I love the game I just want to have my purchase, time, and love for the game respected. The difference for you and me is when something I love is no longer fun I want it to be fixed, I am not jumping away from something I love. I want to fix it, I want the devs to fix it, I want the devs to feel supported so I buy the good cosmetics they put out even with their abusive cosmetic system. I accept you have a differing opinion but you insinuated that someone else is being hyperbolic because they feel the game is not enjoyable without mods.
knowing telo is supposedly a tester this situation reads less like intentional harassment and more someone who went through all the official channels to try get map select added, never heard back about it in the time he’s been association (or even possibly ignored or lied to about it being added) and with little progress and options left went with the nuclear option.
The fact all they have to respond is a bad joking that seems to mock the idea and ban people without even a warning for suggesting is dumb
If you don’t like a large portion of the fan base bombarding you about a feature, it might be a good time to consider implementing it
Until it wasn’t. I and a lot of people unrelated to telolpots asked questions and gave feedback that the handling of the situation was poor. Even remarking that deleting things isn’t the proper way and will turn into a shtstorm. Yet we got muted and deleted anyway.
Your way of handling things was bad and expecting this question not to be asked and having no real answer after two years is insane.
Well done. This IS the reason. It was one of their stated considerations before launch, one of the things they talked about in the '21 streams that they wanted to improve. In VT2, people had a tendency to just run the shortest map, Screaming Bell, until, at one point, it accounted for something absurd like 80% of all map clears. I have no idea why people would grind experience in that game when the only benefit past 30 (at that time, 35 came later) was to make the silly plus number go up, but whatever, it’s what they did. Apparently VT1 had a similar issue, and thus, this rotating mission system was devised.
I think it could use tweaks too. I wish that quickplay, if spinning up a new instance instead of joining one, would pull from any possible map or condition combo rather than just those on the board. Since you’re already not picking, I don’t see the harm in it and it would certainly alleviate the issue of getting the same map non-stop every time they introduce a new one. They could force it to show on the board so it can be reliably played the first two weeks but you can also QP to avoid it after you’ve run your fill on it.
Too late. The whole d*** thread is oozing “I wanna talk to the manager!” vibes.
I (GarageNil) was the one that asked the question whilst watching and had the devs respond to me. Someone clipped that and sent it to telolpots because the reply was so outrageously bad and aggravating. He had his people join the stream afterwards.
So yeah the root cause isn’t some steamer trolling it’s a player asking a legit question. And people being mad about it not being taken seriously
I believe Screaming Bell runs were for red dust farming. For you know, the grindable part of itemisation that while still relies on RNG, you can get some progress on it sometimes. 20% to get 20% progress towards another red item as opposed to the 1-3% to get what you actually wanted. Bad reward structures cause other bad behaviours. Who would have thought.
You seem to be under the impression that dedicated servers and a randomly rotating mission board are one and the same. This absolutely isn’t true, what on earth are you waffling about?
Left 4 Dead allows players to host games on any map they choose and also have a dedicated server host their game for them.
Even in this karking game you can use the Many More Try mod to have a dedicated server host a mission of your choice, under the condition that said mission has been on the board in the past 24 hours.
I have no clue what your thought process is here. Players wanted the ability to play the game without worrying about the host’s computer shitting the bed and ruining everything. Players did NOT want the choice of what map to play be entirely out of their hands. These are not mutually exclusive things. It’s realistically achievable.
And given that I don’t really think any specific map instance being run is any more strain on the system than any other, what’s the difference to FS if someone runs a session in a specific map over a session that exists currently on the board?
There couldn’t be any efficiency gained by ‘streamlining’ what missions are available, aside from having to design a UI that allowed player choice.
Like, I’m happy to be told I’m wrong, but if FS’s servers fail because it’s running 30 instances of 30 different maps vs 30 instances of 5 different maps, there’s something wrong with the system. It’s still 30 instances of -a- map.
and seeing the current party system, we could totally have something similar for quickplay, where people can filter out maps or conditions they don’t like and quickplay into the rest.
EG, I’d be 1000% happier if I never play a lights out again, my eyes just cannot handle the strain.
Freedom of speech is not some quaint invention of the US that does not exist in Europe. Not sure where you’d get that idea.
In any case, be it in US or elsewhere, people are free to moderate their streams, websites etc however they wish.
(The only possible exception is huge social media platforms, where gov might begin to take a keen interest if platform wide policies lean too hard in one direction or another).
What will differ from (western) country to country is how strong or lax libel and hate-speech laws are, for instance.
Doesn’t the Many try mod actually just use the period where maps are still hosted but not shown to avoid causing mission crashes if people still are in it ?
If you think that’s a lot I know a guy with 6500 hours (not me, I swear). Now there’s someone who’s been playing this game fulltime since it came out and to the point where I question his sanity.