@Fatshark: This game has the potential to live a long time, but WILL DIE if the basic gameplay loop isn't fixed and fast!

You are unworthy of the ineffable design.

Ah, the negotiation approach. Good, good, haven’t seen that one for at least a day, and this long and well phrased for at least two weeks.

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The sad part for me is that they might do it when they actually have some proper content updates, i.e. new and distinct maps. This thread is raising the issue that I’ve been commenting on since beginning, the fact that there are so few maps, no matter how much they are hiding them - and the distinction between individual maps is not great.

(And here let me repeat that the maps are good and gorgeous and that a lot of thought has gone into their design. But when you have so few of them, no campaign and the style is as is, it simply doesn’t have enough impact.)


This, among other things.

The small number of maps is something that hurts, but lack of characters, lack of monster fight character, RNG etc. is what is really driving me away.


I play with subtitles on because I want to get all the dialogue and I absolutely hate that it uses whatever dumb names my teammates are using to show who’s speaking. Completely ruins the immersion. There needs to be an option to change it to generics or the class name or something. They’re already color coded so it’s not like it would be hard to tell them apart if there’s more than one of the same class in a team.

Reading this forum provides a lot more fun, compare to DT playtime itself.


Compared to any Loadingstar experience, most definitively.


It would probably help if fat shark allowed us to change our names without deleting our characters and starting all over again.


I’ve pretty much stopped playing because character customization and progression are a nightmare in this game thanks to locked perk and blessing slots.


I think this is a preference thing. To me my character is mine even if I hear someone else with a similar voice pack. I do tend to think of other player’s characters as the generic character. Its less good in some ways and better in others. But the actual voice lines are often very fun and interesting.

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I don’t really have a problem with the voice lines themselves, the actors do a fine job reading them and is some good writing to be seen, but my big problem is whenever banter comes up it never really feels like the characters are talking to each other. Their lines usually feel really disconnected and the dialogue feels chopped together in a way that VT’s banter doesn’t. It’s just a side effect of having so many more voice options, not all of them are gonna fit together so cleanly.


Do want to mention that there’s a not insignificant amount of people in a third group between those who you call casual and those who you call hardcore.

This is a group of people who play on a comfortable difficulty for them, but want to min/max their builds to slowly increase their ability to tackle higher level content. They’re min/maxing, following discussions on builds and playstyles on various forums, but not sinking in the amount of hours necessary to really crank up their personal skill ceiling.

These are the people who know about (and sometimes pull off) the more mechanically intensive parts of the game, but are not going to be consistently doing them every game like the hardcore crowd is going to do, because they just don’t dedicate the muscle memory to it. These are the people that feel good pulling off clutches in T3 difficulty, but just get wrecked going up to T4-5 because they don’t put in the time.


There’s so much that can be done with this idea though that just… isn’t. Where are the warehouse districts? The food storage for the upper class? The Admistratum districts with the soul crushing cubical farms? The pleasure gardens? More Hab blocks with unique local spins? Gang zones? And even more that my tiny brain can’t come up with. One hive on a hive world stretches for miles on all three axis, and the various necessities for supplying that many people with the basics for production is much more varied then what we got in this game.

In the name of the Emperor, they got Dan Abnett , one of the best writers in the Black Library for regular schmuks in 40K to help them out and the only place I see his mark is the description blurbs on the premium cosmetics.


Necromunda: Hired Gun had a landfill area… that the gangs pretty much converted into a WW1 trench line on the top and a warren of tunnels below. Fighting on one of the trains. A massive maintenance chasm. A ruins of a cathedral with another cathedral built over it. Whatever issues Necromunda had, the maps wasn’t one of them.


I like what the gave us for the most part but we just need more. I think what everyone is feeling like they’re really missing isn’t a change of map structure, per se, but a change of colour palette. Just my guess based on what i read in threada like this. First thing everyone asks for is something like a garden or a industrial hydroponic farm or something green. To me the underhive zones and throneside have very distinct feels from eachother and the desert zone of course but they all have the same feel of monolithic corridoors. It is a hive city afterall.

Something green.


welcome to 10Cent funding. It comes with strings


I maintain that FS was being misleading about the extent of Dan Abnett’s involvement. I’m guessing he just wrote the background stuff for the setting (Tertium, the Moebian soldiers, etc) and some small lore blurbs on items and such. The actual beat for beat story of your characters as they gain levels has to have been a rush job written by someone else.

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I agree, the environments that we got are awesome, but there’s so much more that could’ve been done other then the launch “Industrial slums” that we got. The peek into the upper hive was a nice change of pace, but it was nothing even close to what even VT 1 got in variety even though that game was in a much smaller city.

Compared to the Chaos Wastes, even though they use a very similar map generation, there’s no contest even at the launch of CW.


Absolutely. They had an amazing resource in having him advise them, and it doesn’t show at all in the story.

I’m pretty sure he handed them cliff notes and that was it.

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I’m curious if Dan Abnett is aware of how the game turned out and what he’d have to say about it. Tbh if I were him I’d be pretty mad that FS is advertising the story this game has as a representation of my work.

Wouldn’t be surprised if a bunch of people totally new to 40k bought this game, got through the story and thought “Wow whoever this Abnett guy is, he sucks”

Honestly at this point iam 100% convinced that Dan Abnett storyTM was because Dan wrote them 1 A4 about a hive city Atoma and a moebian guard existing.
And since he wrote this, they can put his face on.

For f-cks sake, I would have bought the book series on them. Thats another easy 15-20 euro per book I WOULD GLADLY spend to enhance my darktide immersion.
F-ck I would even buy the paid skins even tho I would never buy them in a different game, I would feel guilty but if DT would really a V2 but better AND in 40k …something I was hoping for since Vermintide 1.

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