Error Failed Loading Save Data: Xbox One

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Please tell me I’m not the only one having this problem, or if I am; please tell me how to fix it :frowning:

I play on Xbox One via Cloud Gaming, and the game won’t launch. It keeps showing Error Failed Loading Save Data…

It was working fine last night; please help :pleading_face:

You can usually resolve this by deleting Darktide’s local save data on the console - is this possible using Cloud Gaming?

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Not to my knowledge; though happy to admit I could very well be wrong, I just wouldn’t have a clue how to do it.

I tried deleting everything I could from the Console, but obviously the saves aren’t even there, so had no effect unfortunately…

At a total loss as to how to move forward.

It is working now; thank you!! :grin:


Hi there, so…

You use cloud to play the game
So it does not save your data locally
When you click on manage game in the home screen and go to save data there is just one choice for you to choose from, and when you click it, it says “Delete everywhere”
You’re saying you clicked delete everywhere and it fixed how? When you load the game did it say to download data from somewhere else? Appreciate any insight you have, thanks.

I have been getting this error for two days. I have deleted everything off my xbox. I play on the cloud only and cannot log in. It this an ongoing error or do I no longer have access to the game?

did this work for you? im just now having that error and dont want to delete the save data Incase that will delete everything i worked on in the game