Enemies bodies dissappear / small immersion details

Right now, they just pop out, and it kills atmosphere and immersion like hell. Can you please add some kind of bodies vanishing animation, like in Doom 3, or Dark Souls series? In Doom 3, f.e., demon bodies are like burned out from the inside, and then disappear.

Whenever you kill an enemy with a headshot / brain burst / cutting their head off, they still make a death sound (roaring, screaming, crying out e.t.c.). This really kills an immersion for a small time. Could you please make a no-sound-if-died-from-headstrike scheme. Cheers!


It would be nice for them to have some kind of dissolving animation into flies or something.


Yeah not everyone has giga machines to tank the option for 532089452390842 corpses on screen a dissolve animation is in order.