When Warlord Ribspreader finds out what happened to the slaves from Morgensloft:
When you come to the realisation that getting slaughtered by the bloody Ubersreik five! … or four, it doesn’t matter! Is still less painful then watching Game of Thrones Season 8
The face those players make when they realize they actually have to play as a team after the 2.0 changes
When you draw the short straw and end up having to defend the start of the map… you know you’re going to have a bad time
Are we the baddies?
Look how they massacred my boy
The look you make when you know you should have just called in sick to work
Entries are now closed. Thank you all for participating, the winners will be announced here by the end of the day. We’ve been surprised by the volume of entries, so please be patient!
Thank you to everyone who participated, we’ve had a blast reading through your entries!
We hope to run more contests here in the Fatshark Lounge after the popularity of this one, so keep your eyes peeled.
There’s been so many excellent entries and we simply couldn’t narrow it down to 10 winners, so we’ve upped it to 15 winners. The 15 people who will receive ‘The Eternal Serpent’ Portrait Frame are, in no particular order…
@kuli -
@hanzy -
@arknox -
@SirJack -
@SneZ -
@Jael -
@mozg207 -