Double Barrel Shotgun

Oh my god emperor.
Please put this beauty into the game asap.


(done with the weapon customization mod, so it’s in the files :melting_face:)


Mama likey.


Papa likey aswell. :smirk:


I’m no weapons expert, but I can’t help but feeling slightly perturbed looking at this…

A double barrel shotgun would be a blast though, figuratively and literally

But… for the low low price of 2 more barrels… is there any precedent for taking the idea of multiple barrels, and going just a little further…

(Killing Floor 2’s Doomstick, for reference)

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This enboners me greatly.

I want more powerful single shot weapons.

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ya ruined it putting muzzle brakes on a shotgun. it also has 3 variants ready to go if you compare the 10 or so in the viewer. literally when. this is the kind of new content I need.

i actually sorta like the double barrel muzzle brake/supressor aesthetic in other games but it is a bit funky looking when they are venting into the other muzzle (I’m fairly certain with a zealous enough application you’d just blow both brakes off the gun)

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Veterans and Zealots could REALLY use a Double-barreled Shotgun, and I feel like it would be a cross between a Kickback and a Combat Shotgun and that just makes mama so-

Well, let’s just repeat “mama likey” right, boys? :wink:

Yea I know, that was just the way the randomizer made it out to be :sweat_smile: didn’t bother making it look better, as I was astounded by having a double barrel shotty in the first place lol

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It’s a very Borderlands-esque aesthetic, IMO :smile:

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I kinda prefer the vertical barrels that Bardin’s Grudgeraker has in Vermintide, wonder if 40k has something similar.


I think the Goliath house in Necromunda has a model like that, but rule of thumb is unless stated otherwise, they exist

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