Disheartening Beta Rewards

I’ve just found out through Discord that closed beta players receive no cosmetic awards but pre-order beta players do, that’s slightly disheartening.

It should be that all beta players regardless of whether of not they played either during the closed beta or pre-order beta should receive the same cosmetic rewards.

I was actually hoping for nothing to be given since I’m all for all cosmetics to all people at all times, but if they’re going to give out a beta hat, I agree with you. Give it to all beta testers.


Hmm. I’m not sure I agree. The closed beta was free, but restricted. Not everyone got in. The pre order beta was available to people who bought the game ahead of time. It’s not quite the same thing.

The pre order beta essentially had paying customers devote their time into helping Fatshark QA their game. The same could be said about the closed beta test, except that it was more like a demo, and required no commitment from people who entered it.

I am pleased they’re offering a pre order beta reward, especially with the level of discourse and testing this cohort specifically provided during this time.


This right here.

I’m surprised we are getting something. I assumed the reward being that we got to see stuff early, made some good memories and of course that we would be able to keep our grinded up characters.
I mean we can be lucky they didn’t decide to wipe the slate clean. After all some people now have penance rewards thanks to them being bugged.

All that said, I’m glad we did get something after all. It’s a nice gesture. Nothing to be expected.


Don’t worry. The free cosmetics are bound to be awful recolors.

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I would not worry to much about it, as the dude above me said, its probably just gonna be some kind of low effort recolor.

But hey, at least i finally get a helmet after my penance to get a helmet has been bugged since the start of the pre launch beta.

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