Dev Blog: Into the Maelstrom

Fine with everything…

I would have loved that they increase a little the rewards from missions like that:

  • Uprising from 195 to 300
  • Malice from 300 to 600
  • Heresy from 600 to 900
  • Damnation from 900 to 1200

Except than that… I was expecting that locks can’t be removed entirely as it would make useless resources, shops, crafting…
Tbh, I don’t think that the new system will really change anything for weapons. But for curios, the change is really welcome.
As I said, we can get what we want… by spending lot of time in the game.

I fear that these changes miss the most important problems:

  • time needed to craft something (this is something that impact any normal player or casual)
  • the possibility to get a 370+ weapon

I proposed a long time ago that, about this, this could be corrected like that:

  • about weapons in shops
    • a minimum for weapons global modifiers of 340 for all shops when you’re level 30 (normal shop, Brunt’s armoury, Melk’ shop)
    • there should have a system that grant you a 360+ weapon after 5 purchases and a 370+ guaranteed after 10
  • about the resources, the possibility to:
    • buy and sell plasteel diamantine with ordos
    • exchange plasteel and diamantine
    • dismantle weapons to get plasteel diamantine
    • upgrade a locked blessing (but not changing it)

I really don’t care of the method applied (= there are surely other ways to fix the problems I mentioned above)… but FS, fix this damned problem in your game. You have lost lot of customers, at least correct this to allow the player base to increase again.