Darktide killed my graphics card?

Issue Type (Required):

Crash - During Play

Issue Description (Required):

Have almost 130 hours on this game on steam, been playing it from the same PC for a couple years. It was running mostly fine lately, did a couple missions today, but then my PC froze and BSOD. After restart I started having artifacts and when I tried launching darktide again, even just from starting a launcher the PC froze again and BSOD.
Did my graphics card get damaged or something? What do I do about this?

P.S. PC specs are within the requirements, enough to run on low-medium graphics without FPS drops. Never had any issues with Darktide or Vermintide 2 before this.

Sorry to hear this @SimplyTheCat

If you’re experiencing BSOD this can usually indicate a deeper system level issue. Though we are unable to advise on Windows-related errors, you may find some possible solutions here:

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