To directly answer your question: Yes I do. I may not check how many attacks I blocked per mission but I am aware that the number is never going to be particularly high.
Does this mean that BCR is bad since I am not using it the majority of the time? You may say yes but you’d be dead wrong.
I’ve had this discussion plenty of times in VT2 and so many times did people argue that “once you have to start blocking, the fight is lost anyways” and the other BS they came up with.
Not the first time someone “tried to slander” me for advocating for BCR only to later having them “see the way” and tell me I was right all along
And DW, I never saw it as a jab at competence.
The point is that BCR increases your survivability by such a massive degree when you need it that not having it just leaves you in the limbo of “if I have to start blocking here, I just die so better not even let it get to that point”
But guess what, it sometimes does come to that point and then no amount of extra HP ever had the chance to save you.
I mostly run BCR because I am usually the most aware person on my team so I go for most of the revives and rescues and I usually do not wait to clear all enemies before attempting the res’.
Sometimes you can’t wait that long and the higher you go in difficulty, the more often that is the case.
It simply allows me to get that res more often than not and I see it make a difference almost every single time I go for the res’.
In my personal experience, BCR saved so many runs and situation, it’s hard to keep count how many times it was actually useful, if not downright game determinative. It’s also so hard to keep track of seeing my teammates to situations in which BCR probably would’ve saved them only to then exclaim that “there was nothing I could’ve done”.
The other point is: what else would you run? Resistances to specific enemies are not as valuebale and can be substituted by playing smarter, HP is the better corruption resistance anyways, stats only help you go so far but don’t actually solve the same problems BCR would solve and at that point, what’s left?
No it’s not because you have to run +2 stam on your curio blessing slots over 21% more HP or 17% toughness. Also, running 12% BCR is not that impactful but it already could make a difference but being able to stack it to 36% or even far higher if you add another 12% on your weapon.