Crucis vs Ironhelm Hammer: what are the differences and wich one you think is better?

Hi, mates! More or less what title says… I noticed the moveset is different, but what is the role of these two versions?

Plus, in your opinion, do they have pro and cons or one overshadows the other?


Basically Crucis has a different move set comes to iron helm.

Crucis’s charge attack expends all its power on the first enemy hit but has more power behind it.

IH has a minor cleave effect which hits all targets with it.

Essentially Crucis is an all or nothing hammer that rewards users for properly lining their attacks up while IH is far more useable in situations with a ton of hordes and chaff enemies in the way.


The Ironhelm was the superior hammer when rolled well as it has cleave on special allowing reliable specialist kills in messy situations, which are all of them in Darktide. I say “was” because Fatshark recently slagged it and it is an unsalvagable disaster weapon at this time.

As a consequence both hammers are relegated to having literally only one valuable role and are otherwise outclassed by every other weapon in the game. That one valuable position is boss smashing in monstrous auric maelstrom missions. Otherwise they are slow at horde clear, slow at elite clear, liable to get you hit and snag on targets, worse at Crowd control than the Crusher (which also kills hordes faster) and has doesn’t kill elites any quicker than:

Deimos force sword
Veteran Power Sword
Any of the chain weapons
A literal rusty shank some zealot found in the garbage


I will have you know that is a primo, top of the line Catachan blade! My grand-pappy slew a trio of Catachan Devils with just this here blade, and his pappy gutted a Chaos Space Marine Terminator right through his ceramite!

Show some gosh darned respect!


(Also OMG lol the most common Catachan knife is a machete type deal and we got Sly Marbo’s toothpick.)


I just checked it after the update and let out a big long oof.


I prefer the Crucis purely because it’s more elegant.

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Thunder Hammer? ELEGANT!?!?

Execute this heretic IMMEDIATELY for daring to profane one of the Emperor’s most holy tools!




Crucis Mk II = Single Enemy DESTROYER, although it can be used for cleaving with a heavy sweeping attack.
Ironhelm Mk IV = It’s almost all cleave.
Whichever fits your playstyle :smile:


Crucial is more fun to swing due to simplicity. IH has too little reward for the complexity.

Also, I am still baffled that people don’t give hammer heavies vs horde its due. Swing at head level and kill 3, stagger way more trash.

Thanks to all for the answers

Anyway I tested them more and I fully agree with @Reginald … monstros killer role apart, they both are really, really overshadowed by almost any other weapons

It’s a shame for such iconic weapons


I see Thrust as the enemy, and how easy enemy Ogryn are to kill with anything. If we had a few more enemies that were hard to kill quickly without specialized armor busting weapons we would have a niche. But the hammer is just too slow in real TTK for what is similar performance to other faster and better weapons.


But a Thunder Hammer without Thrust is like a meal without cheese.

Love heavy horde swing, it reminds me of my Bardin days. I was a Sienna main, but I still remember the times I played Bardin very fondly.

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My main complaint about the Crucis is how long the wait is between activation and actually swinging your weapon. The Crusher goes straight to swinging after activation. Staring down the damn Electric Avenue is cool, but I need to kill this Rager, like, right now.


Imagine if the thunder hammer just always had Thrust 4 at 3 stacks BUILT IN.




Update here’s some critical data for you:

Key data:
Weapon - time in seconds to kill 4 crushers.

Would love to see what a good rending Knife could do in comparison.

on a fully charged hammer it should have a mini aoe explosion on impact… at this moment the mobility and damage of knife lol at hammers.

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