Crashes when trying to load into a mission

Issue Description:
I have done the prolouge, and mechanic tutorials. I load into the lobby just fine but when I try joining a mission, it either loads for a long time, kicks me out with the “non-existing channel” error, sending me back to character select, with the pop up window say to rejoin the session, or it just crashes me to desktop.

Crash Report (If Applicable):
[Please see instructions on how to provide a crash report in the pinned Topic]

Error Displayed (If Applicable):

Steps to Reproduce:
[Please add the steps that can help our QA department in reproducing the issue. For example:]

  1. I load in as my orgryn character to the lobby/hub
  2. I go to the mission select and choose quickplay/or a sedition mission
  3. I get into a pregame load where i lock in my character.
  4. The mission preamble plays, shows all character sitting and waiting for mission start
  5. It loads until a crash to desktop or it shows an error “non exsisting channel”, which kicks me to character select with the message of “you have disconnected from the mission, please rejoin”
    7.If i try rejoining, it kicks me out again or crashes

Mission Name (If Applicable):


Player ID:
(Steam Community :: Destroy It With Flames)

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
11/17/22 11:30 am and continuing

Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

Upload Supporting Evidence:
[Screenshots, recordings, links to Twitch VODs, etc.]

Upload Console Log:

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
  3. Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Darktide\console_logs
  4. Locate the console log that corresponds with the session in which the issue occurred, by looking at the timestamps in the log names
  5. Upload here
    console-2022-11-18-01.27.20-ffac9211-ecfd-4504-91ef-68770b3152b7.log (115.0 KB)

console-2022-11-17-22.26.56-c4d3883d-9d24-4625-b747-80514dde29d1.log (44.3 KB)

console-2022-11-17-21.59.44-36ef3a71-02d3-45fb-a04b-860a630fbd8a.log (155.4 KB)

console-2022-11-17-21.15.37-0ddbcb6f-797c-45b5-990c-922256c1d2b6.log (128.9 KB)

console-2022-11-17-20.34.12-83c7640d-3904-454c-907b-4ba86325dbb9.log (387.3 KB)

console-2022-11-17-19.49.37-a6a01873-64f2-468e-8d37-8689189f87ab.log (209.9 KB)

Upload user_settings.config:

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
  3. Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Darktide
  4. Locate the user_settings.config in this directory
  5. Upload here
    user_settings.config (3.0 KB)
1 Like

Another crash of the same type, more information
GUID: b6a1a5f0-d9b4-4a25-8d15-960725ddeddb
Log File:
Info Type:

I’m having a similar issue trying to join missions but being kicked out right before the mission starts. The first time it said I simply lost connection to the server and the second time it said I had an internal error.

console-2022-11-18-03.27.55-ef7ed996-2055-46f7-8018-0b73bfd3850f.log (257.5 KB)
console-2022-11-18-04.11.03-508ad181-4cb7-4960-bf1b-e6c71f695376.log (176.8 KB)

user_settings.config (3.0 KB)

Fixed it by verifying files which took a few minutes.

that was the first thing i did after it happened a few times, still didnt work for me

I did this but it still didnt help, trying again and going to attempt restarting computer afterwards just in case that helps (ive heard closing steam is important after the verification but im unsure if this is true)

@destroyitwithflames, you’re running into a consistent Deadlock crash. Unfortunately, we cannot determine the cause from the data in the logs alone.

Finding a solution may require some trial and error - I recommend running through our crash solutions here:

Also been experiencing this issue since yesterday, only managed to play tutorial and training. Says it loses server connection every time saying nonexistent channel when loading into a match and during inquisitor cutscene.

Not been able to play a single game yet, been trying for hours.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game as a starting point. I will be trying the suggestions in the link you provided since I continue experiencing the same problem, now with longer loading times. The changes I have made was turning everything off in the launcher setting, Vertical Sync off, Nvidia Reflex Low Latency off, FidelityFX super resolution 1.0 off, anti-aliasing off and having the worker threads set to maximun, which is 2. The setting in game are all on low. I will keep replying as I try the solutions. Thank you for looking into this problem, it gives me great ease that the forum is being monitored and replies are coming this quick for people like me who are experiencing problems. Thank you

I am not to sure what the first suggestion want to me to do, but I did go to the website and ran its program. The results were very confusing but this is what i got out the results I think. It shows that my computer is up to standard for the game.

CPU: Intel Core i5-7400 - 69%
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1060-3GB - 53.7%
SSD: Intel 600p Series NVMe PCIe M.2 128GB - 53%
RAM: Patriot PSD44G240041 2x4GB - 59.1%

CPU: Intel Core i5-7400 - 69%
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1060-3GB - 53.7%
SSD: Intel 600p Series NVMe PCIe M.2 128GB - 53%
RAM: Patriot PSD44G240041 2x4GB - 59.1%

Exact same thing is happening to me as well. I haven’t been able to play a single mission yet, and I must’ve tried 6 or 7 times.

I verified darktide on steam, restarted my computer and launched it with the same setting before. Same thing happened. got to character loading but the difference was that the character sitting together screen went away, faded to black and i heard character call outs before disconnecting, ending up at the character select screen. I clicked rejoin then the game crashed.

GUID: 17c5de92-bd95-46d9-a0ae-740ae1904b78
Log File:
Info Type:

user_settings.config (3.0 KB)

console-2022-11-19-05.11.34-17c5de92-bd95-46d9-a0ae-740ae1904b78.log (129.4 KB)

^ this was after verifying the game

Reinstall the Visual C++ 2019 Redistributables
Got to first screen with people sitting, Lost connection, went to character select, clicked rejoin, this time it didn’t crash, went to load screen again but then said lost connection, took me to me sitting alone in mission prep. Was shorter load, actually got into game, but then the screen/view went under the map? And then kicked me out again, asking me to rejoin. This time **I JOINED AND WAS ABLE TO WALK AROUND A BIT. I typed and moved/attacked but was really stuttering and slow reaction to my inputs. I would say **15s of gameplay was achieved before kicked again. I keep clicking rejoin and I get in for a little bit and every time I crashed it, “non-existing channel” error. This 3rd time I was in for longer and I was at the end of the ammo mission. I got to the extraction and went to the rewards screen but it cut away and went to a loading screen. There was heavy stuttering and lag the whole time. After the load screen, it went to cut scene talking with the character u saved in the prologue in a command center I guess, then your character walking past a group of rejects, in a Hallway. Now I’m back to the main hub. I went to the armory and I am able to view the wares. I’m level 2 orgryn now, so some progress is being made. There were no crashes this time. I tried joining another mission but now it consistently getting me into game, while laggy and stuttering but then i disconnect with the “non-existing channel” error.

Disable Background Applications

I followed the instructions for this and now when i try loading into a mission, I have an infinite black screen. I have waited for 5 minutes each time, alt+f4 each time to close the program. It runs fine, up to the characters sitting but then it fades to black and nothing happens. I hear lobby music but my screen is black.

How to Run the Windows System File Checker

I ran the checker and i am still running into the same sequence of events, game loads normal till i try to join a match using quickplay. Characters sit, then i do get into a black load screen, then I’m in game for a a few seconds, then my pov changes to like under the map/unloaded textures? then kicked due to “non existent channel” error.

This is the last of the methods i would b e doing, since i dont overclock my computer, is not overheating and the Nvidia GPU drivers are the lastest, since i did a clean re-install a day before darktide pre-order beta. I’m not too sure what to do now.

I think there was breakthrough for me. I saw on an other post that someone lowered their threads to 1 so i change my 2 worker threads to 1 worker threads. The loading seemed to have improved and i actually was able to join a match mid way to competition. Granted that it was laggy and sometime dropped frames, the gameplay felt good. After completion of the mission, which was the ammo run end event one, I got to the rewards screen. The character got to level 3 but during rewards, an error occurred which i didn’t catch and sent me back to character select. It confirmed that I got the rewards as the character was still level 3. but when i clicked to join back to the lobby, there was no join back to mission, the game crashed.

GUID: edcacb64-b839-4641-8bef-8493761e66bc
Log File:
Info Type:

console-2022-11-19-09.26.46-edcacb64-b839-4641-8bef-8493761e66bc.log (190.9 KB)

Config for good measure
user_settings.config (3.1 KB)

THESE BELOW ARE crashes that happened previously to this breakthrough with 2 worker threads (latest → earliest )

console-2022-11-19-08.59.14-9e1ca20c-a1e3-489c-ad50-9d9fd98b3a77.log (208.2 KB)

console-2022-11-19-08.02.42-b9372e53-ae2e-44bf-b200-148da81a7158.log (82.2 KB)

console-2022-11-19-07.37.29-48add11a-881d-4aa3-a4fa-52d215159a1d.log (71.9 KB)

console-2022-11-19-05.37.25-8e68f08d-4f0a-4bae-baf2-ba0f3c7e31c1.log (704.1 KB)

console-2022-11-19-05.11.34-17c5de92-bd95-46d9-a0ae-740ae1904b78.log (129.4 KB)

Possible breakthrough, continuing to test with 1 Worker thread instead of 2

11/19 2:15 am
Crashed during opening cutscene of game with the ship and monologue before even connecting to server?/title menu
was tabbed out on another monitor
tabbed back in to Black screen, but audio was still playing telling me the scene.
alt+tabed to try to fix then game crash

hopefully unrelated
GUID: f4302b4b-5f4e-4635-84da-3b2d6a77ab2f
Log File:
Info Type:

11/19 2:35
game crashes if tabbed out

GUID: d80d3354-3906-47c2-8366-9f8c9571d256
Log File:
Info Type:

haven’t been able to have the same previous luck
but the load and rejoin times are much faster, the “non-existing channel” error occurs immediately when i load into the match. the first few rejoin attempts got me into the match with a few seconds of actionable interaction, ran and shot a bit for about 30 seconds, but was still horribly laggy and stuttering.

console-2022-11-19-10.11.14-f4302b4b-5f4e-4635-84da-3b2d6a77ab2f.log (19.1 KB)

console-2022-11-19-10.18.18-d80d3354-3906-47c2-8366-9f8c9571d256.log (337.6 KB)

You’re running into a Deadlock type crash each time now. Which we’re unable to troubleshoot from crash data alone unfortunately. Usually, we suggest our general crash solutions in these cases and some trial and error to determine the cause. My hunch is that lowering your Worker Threads may have shifted one issue to another.

Apologies for any inconvenience, and thank you for your patience and support whilst we iron these early issues out!

Is there any other solutions other than the crash trial and error? Am I going to have to wait till there’s a new hot fix/update to play correctly?

Started testing stuff out, changed the launcher setting , with enabling FXAA now, all setting remain from previous attempts. this time i got an internal_error for the reason with the first disconnect, but then when i tried rejoining, it said lost connection as the error type.

there was a slight visual bug when loading into the main hub, i was in my underwear for 10 seconds before getting the prison garb, i have not changed my appearance yet in game.

console-2022-11-20-00.33.27-8359690e-7c51-4884-a08e-4dbb338ac198.log (129.8 KB)

console-2022-11-20-00.28.21-5078ab0a-47a9-4642-9531-77da3802d4ad.log (16.9 KB)

user settings:
user_settings.config (3.1 KB)

GUID: 8359690e-7c51-4884-a08e-4dbb338ac198
Log File:
Info Type: