Crashes from Launcher on Startup

Hello, as of a week ago my game has started crashing every Time I attempt to launch it. I tried reinstalling the game, reinstalling the anticheat software, and also updating my GFX drivers, but to no avail. Here are the logs, please help.

GUID: 260567ec-bacf-4462-8553-52ef50e2eef3
Log File:
Info Type:


So this is a DLL initialisation error - STATUS_DLL_INIT_FAILED to be specific. We recommend that you uninstall the existing version of the Visual C++ 2015 Redistributables, reboot your PC and reinstall from the Microsoft website:

Additionally, I’m aware your GPU drivers are up-to-date but it may be worth performing a clean re-installation, ensuring all previous driver versions have been removed.

I am looking at my installed visual studio DLLs in the control panel and I dont have a 2015 version, I have other year versions (but the 2015 installation tells me I have another version) what would be the best way to uninstall this? Should I uninstall all years?

Hello, I uninstalled all the microsoft C++ distributables from all the years and installed the ones in your link, I then uninstalled all of my Geforce Drivers and performed a clean install of them. I still got an error on startup with this log:

GUID: 4d8163e1-5ccb-42fd-99eb-6f9e7647271b
Log File:
Info Type:


What else should I try?

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