Crash upon loading into the hub

Issue Type (Required):

Crash - During Play

Issue Description (Required):

Crash on all my characters when i try to load into the hub

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

Steam (PC)

Player ID (Optional):


[PC] Crash Report (Optional):

GUID: ff10f7e0-5381-48df-a2cc-7bf286530e7d
Log File:
Info Type:

[PC] Upload Console Log & darktide_launcher.log (Optional):

console-2023-12-20-15.29.35-ff10f7e0-5381-48df-a2cc-7bf286530e7d.log (58.4 KB)

I suspect this is the result of a bad installation. Please use the ‘Verify Integrity of Game Files’ option, which is accessible via the Steam client using the instructions below:

  1. Right-click Darktide in your Steam library sidebar
  2. Select ‘Properties’
  3. Select the ‘Local Files’ tab
  4. Select the ‘Verify Integrity of Game Files’ button
  5. When complete, close and reopen Steam

I verified and restarted steam still same error
GUID: 35fbb267-42b0-4964-be4d-d5f79ee30f3c
Log File:
Info Type:

console-2023-12-20-17.21.15-35fbb267-42b0-4964-be4d-d5f79ee30f3c.log (56.8 KB)

i tested logging in today and now it works for some reason , nice